Decorative rats - care and content

One of the most common types of domestic animals are decorative rats, which do not require specific care and special rules of detention at home.

How to take care of decorative rats at home?

Decorative rats perfectly live at home. Like many other animals, they do not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight, so when choosing the location of the angle for an animal, these factors must be taken into account. In addition, no matter how they say that rodents do not have a specific smell, one has to measure with its presence. In this way the animals mark their territory, so the only way to combat the smell will be frequent cleaning of the cage.

Corner of decorative rat

In order for the decorative rat to live comfortably in your home, the location of the cell should be chosen taking into account the above conditions. Note that the animal, as a shelter is recommended to choose the cage. Not a jar, not a box, not an old aquarium for fish, namely a cage. All because there should be easy and unhindered circulation of fresh air, as well as a place for movement and leisure of the rodent.

Decorative rats do not move much at home. In order to avoid unpleasant diseases associated with this factor, you need to worry about the corner of leisure in the cage. For a young person, an ideal cell would be suitable, which will be divided into several levels with different staircases, and also will contain a wheel for running. Decorative rats that are older in the sports corner do not really need. They are quite enough walking in the care of the owners at home. But be careful while walking, because animals can damage cords and cables.

Nourishing decorative rat

What can you feed a decorative rat? Taking into account that it is a rodent, it is recommended to include in the ration cereals, dried fruits, hay, as well as vegetables and fruits. You can feed and meat, but in very small quantities. Small decorative rats are recommended to feed up to 4 times a day, and adults up to 2 times.

Bathing decorative rats

With proper care, decorative rats should not be bathed. However, if there is such a need. It is best to do this in the sink. The water level should reach the neck of the pet. For washing, it is necessary to use soap, and use a towel to dry it.