Scabies are the first signs

Scabies refers to dermatological diseases caused by an itch mite. You can get infected even through a handshake and common household items. What are the first signs of scabies, and how to distinguish this disease from others? The main thing is to study the symptoms carefully.

The first signs of scabies in adults and children

Since the course of the disease does not depend on the age of the patient, the scabies manifest in adults and children alike:

With the development of the disease, you can see the gray and brown lines in the place where the itching is located. These are itch scrapes.

Increases in temperature, nausea and dizziness with scabies do not. Such signs indicate that you have another infectious disease.

What causes the symptoms and the first signs of scabies?

The nature of the first signs of scabies in a man depends on the stage at which the mites were in contact with the body. If you are infected with adult mites, the itch will appear almost immediately, the females begin to gnaw through the skin in order to lay eggs in them. If young individuals or larvae get on your skin, before the first signs of scabies occur, the incubation period must pass. Usually it is 10-14 days.

There are several other features on which you can distinguish scabies from other skin diseases:

  1. Itching is worse at night. The fact is that the greatest activity of scabies mites occurs in the dark time of the day, it is during this period that they expand the subcutaneous passages and move along them;
  2. Itching is located in clearly defined areas: between the fingers and toes, on the abdomen, under the armpits, in the genital area, on the elbow. These places are particularly fond of ticks, because they are characterized by high moisture and thinness of the skin.
  3. The rashes do not contain pus.

Prevention of disease

Since scabies are very contagious, you should not only be treated, but also protect from the dangers of your loved ones:

  1. Completely stop physical contact and sharing of household items.
  2. The room, bed linen, dishes, books and other personal items should be carefully disinfected. It is desirable - several times.

Unfortunately, a person who has had scabies does not receive immunity . Therefore, as a prophylaxis for re-infection, hygiene should be observed and hands washed with increased care, preferably up to the elbow.