How to grow garlic from seeds?

You can talk about the benefits of garlic for a long time. Perhaps its healing properties are known to everyone. In addition, it is an excellent spice, actively used in cooking. And if you are concerned about his independent growing, you are undoubtedly interested in finding out whether it is possible to grow garlic from seeds or for this purpose only single-handed ones are used.

Cultivation of garlic from seeds

The sowing of garlic with seeds in their classical understanding is possible in the case if it is a decorative variety that is intended to fill the air with phytoncides and protect neighboring plants from black spotting. Or if it is a perennial garlic that does not form bulbs, and only its juicy and tasty feathers are used for food.

The usual garlic on our arrows does not bring seeds, but so-called bulbochki - small denticles, which are sometimes called seeds, although it is not so. Bulbock are actually organs of vegetative reproduction. But let's call them seeds for convenience, because often they are called gardeners.

So, how to grow garlic from bulb seeds and why is it important to periodically update the planting material in this way? The fact is that if for a long time to multiply garlic only with denticles, then over the years the disease will accumulate in the plant, and the garlic will begin to degenerate. Therefore, once in several years, it is recommended to switch to planting bulbochek.

Bulbules need to be collected from the strongest plants. Arrows must be ripped off with all the remaining garlic and dried for several weeks after collection. Only when the stem withers, the heads can be separated, trying not to damage the cheholchki bulbochek. Wrapping them in paper, you can store the seed until the new season.

When asked how to sow seeds with garlic, the answer is not too deep, only 1 cm. The soil should then be confused so that it does not dry out.

It is undesirable to plant bulbots on a bed, where potatoes or tomatoes grew in the past year, because garlic can catch fusariosis. The best predecessors are pumpkin, legumes, cabbage and perennial grasses.