Cure for a cold

Most common cold accompanies acute respiratory diseases. Although sometimes rhinitis and acts as an independent disease. The reasons for it may be different. They must be installed before starting to select the cure for the cold. An important role is played by the fact, at what stage of the disease treatment begins.

Effective cures for colds

The most effective are the preparations made from decongestants. They quickly remove the swelling and flushing of the mucosa. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the drugs have a local vasoconstrictive effect.

Conditionally, all medications with decongestants are divided into several groups. The largest of them is mono drugs. They are available in the form of drops, sprays. The composition of such drugs against the common cold is only one component:

1. Naphazolin. The best medicines with this substance:

2. Tetrisolin. Medications prepared on the basis of tetrizoline are not so many. The most famous of them is Tizin.

3. Oxymetazoline. From it, well-known preparations are prepared:

4. Xylometazoline. This component is part of such medicines as:

It is believed that combined cures for the common cold with decongestant and histamine blocker are better. All because they have a broader effect. Gistaminoblockers enhance the effect provided by decongestants. In addition, these substances remove edema, blocking H1-receptors. Relate to the group of drugs such as Vibrocilum, Nazole.

There is also a universal medicine - from the common cold and cough - Rinoflumucil. The drug is also made from decongestants, and besides them, mucolytics are added. Such a tool can provide effective complex treatment: mucolytic components will dissolve mucus and accelerate its excretion, and decongestants will quickly remove edema.

A very effective remedy for chronic cold is medication based on saline solutions:

They are used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention.

The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the funds wash away mucus, foreign particles, microbes and other irritants. In addition, they eliminate inflammation.

Unlike vasoconstrictive drugs, which can not be used for longer than a week, droplets and sprays with saline solutions do not cause addiction. A great advantage of medicines is that they are harmless and do not provoke any side effects.

List of the most famous cure for colds

  1. Naphthysine. Effective in rhinitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis of allergic origin. It can also be used to stop nasal bleeding.
  2. Contact 400. Combined capsules with anti-edematous and anti- histamine action. The drug eliminates the symptoms of rhinitis and sinusitis, regardless of what causes the ailments.
  3. Rinoflumacil. Produced in the form of nasal aerosol. Adults Use it you need two doses in five minutes.
  4. Milistan gel. Apply the medicine on the wings of the nose with a thin layer. The gel has anti-inflammatory, distracting, local irritating, mucolytic and antiseptic effects.
  5. Vibrocil. This remedy can be used during lactation. Better than many of its counterparts, it copes with night-time stuffiness and dry mucous membranes.
  6. Isophra. Strong medicine. It is prescribed for infections of bacterial origin.