Ointment from bruises

No injuries are insured by any person. You can fall, stumble, hit - the result of all these events can be damage to the internal tissues without damaging the skin. This kind of trauma is characterized by the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhage, edema in the area of ​​the injury and, of course, the presence of pain. Pain in the first moments may be acute, but it becomes less strong with time and is felt only when directly affected by the lesion.

As a rule, with age the vestibular apparatus works better, and we become more accurate, and bruises become less and less. But in childhood bruises are a common, albeit quite unpleasant, phenomenon.

First aid with a bruise

If you still get a bruise, then immediately it is desirable to apply a cooling compress to the place of impact. It could be a can or a bottle that was standing in the refrigerator. An excellent option is a frozen piece of meat. In order not to cause hypothermia, it is recommended that this object be wrapped in a single layer of tissue. The use of cold will reduce the area of ​​hemorrhage, reduce swelling and will work as an anesthetic.

The use of ointments

In addition to cooling compresses, in the absence of wounds, you can immediately use a special ointment from bruises. Such a tool most often combines several effects:

It is recommended to pay attention to external means against contusions, produced in the form of a gel. Gels have good penetrating ability, are easily applied and quickly absorbed.

Ointments containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

The most effective ointments from severe bruising are the products made on the basis of NSAIDs. In addition to medicinal properties, they also have a strong analgesic effect.

In the composition of such ointments from bruises and edema for anesthesia use:

To eliminate the edema apply:

Well-proven such ointments as:

Use an anesthetic ointment with bruises recommend immediately, applying a thin layer 2-3 times a day.

Ointments based on natural extracts and herbs

As a rule, ointments that contain natural extracts do not have a pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, their use can be recommended after the removal of severe pain. But ointments from bruises and bruises based on natural components are no less effective than synthetic drugs. For resorption of hematomas recommended the use of ointments with badyag, comfrey, leech extract:

Ointments that contain arnica (mountain medicinal plant), have a cooling effect, reduce pain and, by activating the blood flow, promote faster resorption of bruises. These are such drugs as:

Warming up ointments with bruises

To accelerate the resorption of extensive hematomas, ointments that promote warming up and improving blood circulation can be recommended. These ointments are used 3-4 days after injury. They are also applied a thin layer on the damaged area 2-3 times a day. Thus it is necessary to pay attention, that the time of treatment of a bruise by means of a warming up ointment should not exceed a week. From synthetic preparations it is possible take advantage of:

Among the ointments containing natural components, deserve attention: