Hyperacid gastritis

It is known that the term "gastritis" refers to a disease of the stomach. Hyperacid gastritis is a condition where the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, and the level of hydrochloric acid is higher than normal.

Symptoms of hyperacid gastritis

If you notice that there is a sour taste in the mouth, a stomach problem, and a whitish shade appeared on the tongue, this may be a sign of erosion of the stomach mucosa with acid. Ignore these symptoms can not. The most common symptoms of hyperacid gastritis are the following:

Causes of chronic hyperacid gastritis

Most often, hyperacid gastritis is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori), which, entering the stomach, destroys its mucous membrane. However, this is not the only cause of the disease. Hyperacid gastritis from an acute form can develop into a chronic one if one leads an incorrect lifestyle, that is, create artificial preconditions such as:

  1. Incorrect food. The harm is caused by regular snacks in the dry, poor chewing food due to rush, too much breaks between meals, fast food, the use of carbonated drinks, spicy, fried, fatty, smoked and sour food, passion for strong tea and coffee, especially on an empty stomach.
  2. Smoking and hobby for alcoholic beverages.
  3. Stresses, constant emotional overstrain.
  4. Physical overload.
  5. Long-term use of certain medicines, for example, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and aspirin-containing drugs.

Treatment and diet with hyperacid gastritis

Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of its occurrence. It will take a whole complex of measures for complete cure. The main methods of getting rid of the disease include the following:

  1. Antimicrobials. If it is revealed that the cause is Helicobacter pylori, antimicrobials and antibiotics are prescribed (Metronidazole, Amoxicillin, Omeprazole and others).
  2. Diet. Since often a person is eating fast and wrong, prescribe a strict diet, excluding foods and drinks that provoke increased acidity in the stomach.
  3. Drug treatment. Drugs that reduce the acidity of the gastric mucosa, spazmoliki (Drotaverin, Baralgin), holinolitiki (Bellastesin, Bellallin), antacid, anti-inflammatory and antisecretory drugs (Omez), and adsorbents.
  4. Folk remedies - decoctions and tinctures, sea buckthorn oil.

In any case, a specialist examination and consultation is necessary.