
The Kuria-Muria Archipelago is located 40 km from the southern coast of Oman , in the Arabian Sea. Its total area is 73 square meters. km. It consists of five islands: El-Hasikia, Es-Saud, El-Hallaniya, Garzant, El-Kibliya.

History of Curia Muria Islands

The Kuria-Muria Archipelago is located 40 km from the southern coast of Oman , in the Arabian Sea. Its total area is 73 square meters. km. It consists of five islands: El-Hasikia, Es-Saud, El-Hallaniya, Garzant, El-Kibliya.

History of Curia Muria Islands

The first mention of this archipelago was found in the written sources of the 1st c. AD, then it was called Insulae Zenobii. In 1818, fleeing from pirate raids, the population completely left the island. Later Sultan Muscat began to control this area, but in 1954 he ceded the archipelago of Great Britain. Until 1953 Curia-Muria was a member of the British governor's jurisdiction. Only since 1967, he was again returned under the control of Oman.

Features of the islands

Basically, the Curia-Muria islands are made up of gneiss and limestone. It is this mixture of rocks that is most suitable for the habitat and reproduction of many species of birds. There is also a feature of local waters. In the period from May to September, upwelling takes place - the rise of deep waters to the surface. Thanks to this process, nutrient-rich waters promote the reproduction of marine organisms and fish. The weather in this period is foggy and windy, and the sea is restless.

Ethnic population

Only on the island of El-Hallania, which is the largest in the archipelago (an area of ​​56 sq km), people live. Since 1967, the number of residents did not exceed 85 people. To date, this number has only doubled. All locals belong to the ethnic group "jibbali" or "shehri". Unlike most Omani settlements, here they speak a local language, very different from Arabic. The inhabitants of the island are mainly engaged in fishing. Like ancient times, their only swimming means are inflated animal skins. In addition, residents collect bird eggs and catch birds, in large numbers of people living on rocky cliffs.

What are the islands interesting for tourists?

Curia-Muria is the most attractive and best place in Oman for fishing enthusiasts. According to existing data, the ecological situation on the archipelago is stable. The banks of its unprecedented, simply amazing beauty. Deserted beaches with fine golden sand are located next to steep cliffs.

Features of fishing on Curia Muria:

  1. The coastal zone. It is almost untouched by civilization, and the abundance of fish is surprising.
  2. The main trophy. The dream of all local fishermen is a member of the horse family - karanx. This huge fish reaches an unprecedented size - up to 170 cm. Caranx is a very aggressive and cunning fish. In places where it is caught more than 5 years, it ceases to respond to artificial lures. But a little perseverance - and you will be rewarded with the capture of a worthy specimen.
  3. Hordes of fish. Among the coral reefs you can see many tropical fish. There are barracudas, yellowfin karans, parrot fish, groupers, red snappers, bonito, captain fish, wahoo, etc.

How to get to the islands of Curia Muria?

There are many options on how to get to the archipelago, but only one way is by sea. You can rent a boat or boat. The most convenient way is to join a group of local fishermen. Payment for transport is negotiable.