Drops in the nose for children

When a child lays a spout or a stream flows snot, mom quickly runs to the pharmacy for a medicine. But, despite their seeming harmlessness (after all it means local action) drops in the nose for children must be prescribed by the district doctor, based on their diagnosis, because there are several reasons for the common cold.

How correctly to instill drops in a nose to the child?

It turns out that this is quite a difficult matter - it's right to drip a baby's nose. It is required in order to carry out several manipulations:

What kind of drops to use when the nasal congestion in the child?

When the nozzle does not breathe, the baby starts breathing through the mouth. From this, the mucous membrane quickly dries up, causing additional discomfort to the baby, especially at night. Babies still do not know how to breathe in the mouth, and therefore any stuffiness is accompanied by crying. Drugs for the spout are divided into the following groups:

  1. Vasoconstrictors are drops that we drip when the nose is stuffy in the child. Their action is aimed at reducing the swelling of the nasal mucosa, which occurred due to the expansion of small vessels.
  2. The safest are drops of prolonged (up to 12 hours) action, and include such common drugs as: Nazivin, Nazol baby, Rinazolin.

    Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor will prescribe a certain type of nasal agent. It can not be said that some vasoconstrictive drops in the nose for children are better, but some worse.

  3. Antibacterial drops in the nose for children. Local antibiotics include Bioparox, Polidexa, Isofra. They are prescribed in cases of bacterial infection, for example, with genyantritis, and also if the child has otitis.
  4. Antiviral drops in the nose of children are based on the use of interferon. It can not be said that any of the means is more effective than the other of this group, and the doctor's appointment depends on his preferences.
  5. Nasaferon, Interferon, Grippferon are used for ARI and ARVI at the very beginning of the disease, in the first hours. If you start to drip a remedy for 5 days, then it will be a senseless loss of money and time, because by that time the body itself starts to develop its own interferon, fighting the virus.

  6. Homeopathic drops in the nose for children are not very common in pediatric practice. But still some doctors can prescribe the following drugs, which are often used to treat allergic rhinitis - Delufen, Euphorbium compositum, Edas-131.
  7. Antiseptic, or in people, drying out drops in the nose for children is used when the acute stage of the disease has passed, and the transparent liquid has been replaced by green viscous slime. To combat this protracted runny nose, Albucid is used, which has an antibacterial component, as well as Protargol, based on colloidal silver.
  8. Moisturizing or diluting drops in the nose for children include all kinds of water-salt solutions, Such as Aqua-Maris, Solin, Humer and others. They have a local moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa, and also dilute its contents for easier cleaning.
  9. Antiallergic drops in the nose for children can be simply vasoconstrictive (Naphthyzine, Nazole, Tizin), include the hormonal component or be combined - Allergodyl, Vibrocil, Galazolin.

All the drops in the nose, without exception, should not be used for more than 5-7 days, because they can provoke the real addiction and addiction of the body not only to the child, but also to the adult.