Cyst of thyroid gland - symptoms in women

Endocrine organs are highly sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in the hormonal balance, often the formation of benign tumors becomes a reaction to various disorders. A clear example of this pathology is the cyst of the thyroid gland - symptoms in women of the presence of this compaction occur in 2 times more often than in men. This is due to the frequent changes in the hormonal background and the concomitant emotional instability.

Symptoms of the cyst of the left or right lobe of the thyroid

In most cases, there are no specific signs of benign neoplasm. Having small sizes, cysts do not cause subjective sensations and discomfort, they are painless and do not interfere with the process of breathing, swallowing food and drinks. Diagnosis of such tumors occurs during routine examinations with an endocrinologist or a prophylactic ultrasound.

If the nodes increase, they can squeeze nearby tissues, nerves, blood vessels, causing the following clinical manifestations:

Of course, not all listed problems occur simultaneously, for the diagnosis it is enough to have 2-3 signs.

Symptoms of diseases with the growth of the thyroid cyst in women

In addition to the main indicated clinical manifestations, there are several specific features that are characteristic only of women: