Chemical burn of the skin - treatment at home

Chemically, burns are skin lesions caused by acids or alkalis. This is a problem that many people face. But in most cases, if the reagent that caused the burn was removed or neutralized in a timely manner and the medication was correctly selected for treatment, serious consequences can be avoided.

First aid for chemical burns

If you received a chemical skin burn, treatment at home should begin with the removal of the compound that caused it. You need to do this as quickly as possible. Remove the reagent with normal water. It must be washed for at least 10 minutes. If more than 15 minutes have passed after the burn, the affected area should be kept under running water for up to 40 minutes.

Did you get a powdery agent on your skin? It is first removed with a napkin and then washed off. The fact that the procedure was carried out correctly indicates the complete absence of the smell of a chemical.

After this, it is necessary to neutralize the substance. If the reagent was acid, a 2% solution of baking soda or soapy water would do this. In cases of alkali damage, a solution of citric acid or vinegar is used. Even to the wound you need to put a cold wet towel, and then apply a dry bandage.

Treatment of chemical skin burns

When a chemical burn of the face or body is of medium severity, treatment can be carried out at home. The patient needs to take antihistamines (Tavegil or Suprastin) and restorative drugs (immunomodulators and vitamin complexes).

External treatment of chemical skin burns includes:

To accelerate the healing of the injured damaged skin, you can use Bepanten ointment, which contains dexpanthenol, which has a healing effect, and antiseptic Chlorhexidine.

Treatment for severe chemical burns of the scalp, face, body should only be carried out in burn centers. If the limbs have suffered, they are raised upwards to reduce swelling. The consequence of severe chemical burns is hypertrophic scars. To make them less obvious, the patient needs to wear special compression clothes.

If you have a chemical burn of the scalp during staining, during treatment it is best to use the "Ultra Hair System" spray. This unique remedy restores hair follicles, strengthens the roots, activates hair growth and eliminates inflammation and itching. It can be used even in cases when a burn wound makes itself felt by blisters, redness and strong painful sensations.

Treatment of chemical burns by folk methods

To ease the pain syndrome and quickly heal tissues during the treatment of chemical skin burn, you can use not only drugs, but also folk medicine.

It helps to restore skin compresses based on decoction of chamomile, cones of hops, mint or oak bark. To make them, 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes to the affected area, apply a sterile dressing, previously moistened in herbal decoction (heat).

Treatment of the skin after a chemical burn can be done with an ointment based on aloe . It has high regenerating properties and relieves itching. Do it according to this recipe:

  1. Wash 2 leaves of aloe and cut off the thorns from them.
  2. Grind them well in a blender or grinder.
  3. Add the melted pork fat to the slurry and allow the mass to thicken a little.
  4. With the resulting mass, you need to make a bandage. It is applied once a day to clean and dry skin.