Replacement of the lens of the eye

Some ophthalmic diseases, in which the functions of the lens of the eye are broken, are effectively cured only by surgical intervention with its replacement by an artificial analogue. In particular, such an operation is necessary for cataracts , which causes clouding of the lens and associated visual impairment.

Operation to replace the lens of the eye

Today, for the removal of the lens and its replacement, modern minimally invasive and painless methods are used, the most common of which is ultrasound phacoemulsification. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis, practically has no restrictions and does not require special preparation.

Before the procedure, a local anesthetic is performed using an anesthetic eye drops. Then through the microscopic incision, the tip of the ultrasound device is injected, whereby the damaged lens is crushed and converted into an emulsion, which is immediately removed from the eye.

Implantation of an artificial lens (intraocular lens) is then carried out. Among the plurality of lenses from different manufacturers, those that are made of flexible synthetic polymers are preferred. After implantation, no suturing is required; The microsection is sealed by itself. The whole operation takes about 15 minutes. Vision begins to recover already in the operating room, and its full recovery occurs in a month.

Postoperative period after lens replacement

After the operation to replace the lens of the eye, long-term rehabilitation is not required. Already after 3 hours the patient can return home and lead a habitual way of life without significant restrictions. The main recommendations in the postoperative period are as follows:

  1. The first 5-7 days should not sleep on the abdomen or on the side with the operated eye, and also let the raw eye get into the eye.
  2. It is necessary to protect the eye from bright light, dust, wind.
  3. It is necessary to limit the time of work at the computer, reading, resting in front of the TV.
  4. During the month, you can not be subjected to heavy physical exertion, to visit the beach, bath, pool, etc.

Repeated cataract after lens replacement

Like any operation, the replacement of the lens of the eye is not without the risk of complications, which include:

A late complication may be a secondary cataract, which is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to completely eliminate all epithelial cells of the natural lens. If these cells begin to expand, they can cover the capsular bag with the film, in which the artificial lens is located. In modern conditions, such a complication is quickly eliminated by the laser method.