Candidiasis of the oral cavity

Candidiasis (thrush) is one of the most common female diseases. Ask what it does in the mouth? It turns out that candidiasis of the oral cavity is a phenomenon that occurs quite often. Mostly from thrush in the mouth suffer babies, but adults are also not immune from this disease.

Causes and symptoms of oral cavity candidiasis

Candidiasis causes Candida fungi, which live in the body of every person. With a normal number of fungi, a person does not feel any discomfort. Problems appear only when the fungus begins to multiply actively.

Such factors can contribute to the reproduction of the fungus and the development of candidiasis of the oral cavity:

  1. Candidiasis is a disease of people with low immunity. Weak immunity simply can not inhibit fungal growth.
  2. Taking antibiotics is another common cause of thrush. Drugs change the microflora of the body, and resistant fungi successfully use the situation.
  3. Candidiasis of the oral cavity can occur with dysbacteriosis or with a shortage of vitamins in the body.
  4. Such diseases as diabetes, AIDS, tuberculosis very often cause thrush.
  5. Stress and nerve stress can also contribute to the onset of a diet prescribed for treatment in oral candidiasis (more details - below).

To recognize candidiasis is simple: the oral cavity, and sometimes even the lips are covered with white patches of plaque, approximately the same as during the angina, but no pain for thrush.

Treatment of oral cavity candidiasis

Treatment in the first place should be aimed at strengthening immunity . In general, everything depends on the form of the disease. Severe cases require even drug treatment with antibiotics (however paradoxical it may sound).

For treatment to be effective, oral candidiasis should be eaten properly. You can not use:

The norm of the diet should be fish and lean meat dishes, cereals, eggs, fruits and vegetables with a small carbohydrate content.

Since this disease is rather "slippery", it is necessary to treat candida of the oral cavity responsibly, following all the doctor's instructions, always adhering to a diet and thorough hygiene. Otherwise, the entire process can last for several months, and thrush - to develop into a chronic form.