Badyan - useful properties and contraindications

Badyan is a very popular spice. It is used in baking, marinades and cooking meat. Meanwhile, it is very important to remember that the fruits and seeds of the plant have a pronounced curative effect. Badyan, useful properties and contraindications of which are well studied by modern medicine, is more worthy of a place in the medicine cabinet than in the kitchen.

Useful properties of the tubeless plant

The birthplace of Badian is the East and South-East Asia. In China, India and Thailand, fruits and seeds of plants have been used for medical purposes for more than one century. Teas, tinctures and decoctions on their basis have appeared even before the baden started to be used as a seasoning. Europeans got acquainted with spice only in the 16th century.

Useful properties Badian due to essential oils in its composition. The following active substances were found in them:

All these components have a high antibacterial effect and positively affect the human body. Badyan and Badian essential oil are used in various fields of medicine:

Use in cosmetology

Badyan, the medicinal properties of which we have just considered, as well as the extract of badjan, is widely used in cosmetology. The plant produces an antifungal effect, tones up the skin well, accelerates the regeneration of tissues. Essential oil of badjan helps to eliminate pigmentation spots and freckles, most importantly, do not use it in its pure form. You can add oil to the night cream, or dilute with any base vegetable oil in a 1: 5 ratio. Invaluable use of badon for hair: its extract eliminates dandruff , increases the flow of blood to the follicles, which positively affects the growth and appearance of the hair. It is best to use tincture, or a decoction of fruit and plant seeds for this purpose.

How useful is the badon for those who want to lose weight?

Of all the positive properties of badjan, the most important is its effect on the human digestive system. Tea with the addition of this spice is given to babies who have colic and stomach aches, but it will be much more beneficial for those who want to lose excess weight.

It accelerates the metabolism, improves intestinal motility, normalizes the work of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Tincture Badian, taken before eating, will help the assimilation of food. This is an excellent tool for fighting cholesterol, which positively affects not only the figure, but also the work of the cardiovascular system. Badyan, whose properties are difficult to overestimate, will be especially useful for older people. It normalizes blood pressure and has an invigorating effect.

Contraindications for the application of badin

With caution, tuber and Badian extract should be given to children under 12 years of age. Dosage should be minimal. A half teaspoon of ground seeds boiled with boiling water as a tea a day is the maximum allowable dose. Do not eat bad animals for pregnant women and people with nervous disorders. It is strictly prohibited to use the plant as a medicine and even spices for those who suffer from epilepsy. If you have observed any type of allergic reactions, tubercle is contraindicated.