Tartlets with filling - recipes

Tartlets are small baskets made from dough and filled with various fillings - fish, meat, mushroom and even fruit. This appetizer will be a real decoration of any table. We will tell you what you can put in the tartlets as a filling.

Recipe tartlets with filling on the festive table


For the test:

For filling:


To begin we knead the dough: yolks we grind with cheese and cottage cheese, we throw semolina and we introduce well beaten up squirrels. Accurately all mix and add salt to taste. For the dough, beat the egg with cream, add the butter and sprinkle the flour. Add salt to taste and roll the dough into a layer. Then cut out a glass of circles, spread out in molds and fill with cheese mass. We send tartlets with stuffing to the oven and bake until golden brown.

Filling for tartlets with mushrooms



Puffed ready tartlets are heated in the oven on a dry baking sheet. In the hot workpieces we spread the prepared stuffing. To do this, put the tuna in a colander and leave it for a while, so that the glass is all oil. On the vegetable oil, let's crush the chopped onion, and then add the mushrooms cut into plates. Fry all together for 5 minutes, and pour in the cream. Bring the mixture to a boil and add to the density of starch. We shred fish with large pieces, put them into sauce and warm up again a little. The ready stuffing is laid out in tartlets, decorated with greens and put on the table.

Recipe of tartlets with chicken filling



Chicken meat boil, cool and cut into small cubes. In the frying pan, simmer the green peas and add white wine to it. Then we throw the tinned asparagus with the brine and mix it. Add the starch, diluted with water, and top up the milk, lemon juice and hot sauce. Season with spices to taste, spread chicken pieces and mix well. Ready fillings are laid out on the tartlets and served to the table.

Sweet stuffing for tartlets


For the test:

For filling:


From flour, cream butter, sugar, vanillin, yolk and sour cream, knead the dough and remove it for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Then we distribute it on molds, oiled, and bake for 20 minutes. Yogurt whisked with sugar, add grated lemon zest, sugar, vanillin and liquor. Then we introduce dissolved gelatin and spread the cream into the tartlets. Berries are washed, decorate the dessert and pour over the cooked jelly. We decorate tartlets with a filling for children with almond petals.