Scalpel Baikal - medicinal properties and contraindications

The Baikal skullcap is a perennial herbaceous plant growing in the Far East and Transbaikalia. Most often it can be found on the mountain slopes and coasts of rivers. The skullcap has branched stems up to half a meter in height, it blooms with blue flowers collected in one-sided brushes. This plant is widely used in official and folk medicine. We learn what are the medicinal properties and contraindications of the skullcap of Baikal.

Composition and medicinal properties of the skullcap of Baikal

For medicinal purposes, the roots of adult plants are harvested from the second half of August until late autumn. Dried roots are raw materials for the preparation of various products: decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures. In the composition of the roots of the skullcap of Baikal, the following substances were found:

Due to such a diverse composition, the ability of this plant to influence the organism multilaterally is ensured. Its main useful properties are:

Treatment with preparations of the skullcap of the Baikal

The medicinal properties of the grass of the Baikal skullcap, or more precisely, of the roots of this plant, will be most valuable with the following diagnoses:

How to apply the skullcap Baikal?

In most cases, the use of aqueous infusion of sculpin roots is recommended.

Recipe of the Scutellum


Preparation and use

Put the raw material in the thermos, pour it with boiling water and close the lid. After two hours strain. Take the remedy four times a day, one tablespoon before meals.

The given prescription is universal, but not for all diagnoses, it can have the proper effect. In some cases, other means are required on the basis of this plant or its use in large dosages, so before starting treatment should always consult with herbalist.

Contraindications of the skullcap of Baikal: