Dandelion roots - application

Among gardeners, the dandelion is notorious. This malicious weed easily resumes, but spreads with unthinkable speed. Few people know, but the root of dandelion in folk medicine has long been known for its positive effects on the gallbladder, liver and pancreas, so do not rush it.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion root

Useful properties of the root of a dandelion are provided by substances that make up its composition. The roots of this plant contain 25-30% of carbohydrate inulin and 10-15% of various protein substances. Also they contain fatty oil, tannins, sterols, calcium and potassium salts, organic acids, resins and mucous substances. When the roots of the dandelion are collected in autumn, they will contain 12-15% of sugars.

The roots of dandelion have found their application in folk medicine when:

The root of the dandelion enters into the composition of the choleretic collection, which can be used during pregnancy. Dried root in eastern medicine, women use for breast ailments, ranging from mastopathy and ending with malignant tumors.

A mixture of chicory and dandelion root for the liver with fat infiltration is useful, and if you add calendula and yarrow, you can strengthen the work of this organ. Baths from the decoction of the roots are taken with skin rashes and eczema, and the oil extract of them is considered an excellent remedy for radiation damage to the skin and burns. The roots of the dandelion for the hair are useful, they prevent their ingression.

Preparation of dandelion root

Before starting treatment, the dandelion roots are dug in cold water and dried outdoors until the milk juice is isolated from them. Then they are dried in an attic or in an oven.

To increase appetite use infusion from the root of a dandelion. 2 teaspoons of root (crushed) pour 200 ml of water and leave for 8 hours. Drink it to 50 ml before meals three times a day.

Most often, a tincture of dandelion roots is used for treatment. To make it, 50 g of roots are poured into 500 ml of vodka and insist in a warm dark place for 12-14 days, shaking periodically. Then filter and drink before meals 30 drops three times a day.

Powder from the roots is used and as a laxative. They grind in a coffee grinder and take half a teaspoon 3 times a day.

To stimulate the production of bile and facilitate the exit of intestinal gases, tea is drunk from the roots of a dandelion. It is prepared from 1 part of the roots, 1 part of the leaves and stalk of the dandelion, 2/3 of the fennel seeds and 2/3 of the mint leaves. Herbal mixture is poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes.

From the roots of a dandelion, you can make coffee. With its systematic use, you will notice that your skin has become silky and elastic, cleansed of pimples. For one cup of coffee, enough to have 2-3 large roots, they are ground in an ordinary coffee grinder and poured with boiling water. Sugar is added at will. If the taste of this coffee drink is bitter for you, you can mix the flour from the root with natural ground coffee.

Contraindications to the root of a dandelion

Dandelion roots have contraindications. Treatment with their help can not be carried out when:

In large doses, the use of dandelion roots during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is prohibited.