Colorless Henna

For many of us, henna is associated only with plant hair dye. Very few people know, that actually henna it is possible to use in the most different areas of cosmetology, especially, if it is a question of colorless henna.

Areas of application of colorless henna

Colorless henna is made, as usual, from a special plant - Lavsonia. Only if dried and crushed leaves are used for the production of henna, then stems are used for colorless henna, which do not have a coloring substance.

Henna has very useful properties, so the use of colorless henna is very diverse. It is mainly used:

Useful properties of colorless henna

Colorless henna is very useful for the skin of the face. It perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect on it, is a wonderful antifungal and antibacterial agent. Colorless henna from acne also helps. Cosmetologists recommend making masks from colorless henna as an effective remedy against black dots. To do this, pour henna with boiling water to the state of liquid gruel, give her some infusion and gently apply a thick layer on her face. This mask should dry completely, after which it is carefully removed with a wet swab.

The combination of colorless henna with a few drops of essential oil of sandalwood or rosewood is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation. The use of colorless henna with the addition of kefir in the form of a mask for normal and oily skin is a natural and effective remedy against various rashes and inflammations.

To strengthen the nails colorless henna is diluted with infusion of chamomile to the state of sour cream. Then the mixture is applied to the nails, and after a while washed off with water. The procedure is repeated several times in a row every other day.

Colorless henna for the body is used as a component of natural cosmetics. Combining in equal proportions such components as henna, honey, blue clay and a few drops of any citrus essential oil, you will get an excellent mask-scrub, which is perfect for use in a sauna or sauna. This mask has a cleansing and nourishing effect, plus is a remedy for cellulite. However, it should be remembered that it is not worth adding honey with varicose veins, and with couperose it is not necessary to apply a mask in the steam room.

Colorless Henna for Hair

The most common is the use of colorless henna for hair care. Leading cosmetologists around the world agreed that the treatment of hair with colorless henna produces amazing results. This is a natural product, so it can be used for treatment, and for strengthening, and for hair restoration. Regular application of colorless henna will promote rapid hair growth, they will become thicker and silky.

Wonderfully affects the beauty and health of hair mask from:

All ingredients in equal proportions are mixed and applied to the hair for about 60-90 minutes, after which they are washed off with water. To thicken hair with such henna mix 100 ml of lemon juice, 1 chicken yolk and 2-3 spoons of low-fat cottage cheese.

It is best to wrap the hair with polyethylene after wrapping the mask and wrap it with a towel. Keep the mask on your hair can be up to two hours.