Hawthorn - useful properties and contraindications

Since ancient times, hawthorn was considered a remedy. Infusions and decoctions on its basis are used for diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. They also have a sedative effect - they help with nervous overstrain. It is popular not only among fans of traditional medicine - it is even prescribed by doctors in the form of teas and tinctures.

All kinds of infusions, tinctures and decoctions of flowers, fruits and leaves of this plant have a complex effect on the body, affecting different organs.

Hawthorn for the heart

When you receive this plant in any form, hawthorn tones the heart muscle, which provides a normal flow of oxygen into the body. The beat frequency is shortened and the rhythm stabilizes. This leads to a decrease in the excitability of the heart and an improvement in the flow of blood to the brain. The correct intake of hawthorn in various forms reduces the development of tachycardia and arrhythmia to a minimum.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Plant pour boiling water and insist for half an hour. After - drain. Store at room temperature. You need to drink 1 glass of infusion 3 times a day.

Hawthorn for vessels

The plant has a positive effect on the circulatory system: it stabilizes the amount of cholesterol, significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques. The fruits of hawthorn, having useful properties and some contraindications, are often used to relieve vasospasm .

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Berries are placed in a thermos, and then poured hot water. To insist it is necessary within 8-10 hours (1 night). If there is no thermos, then you can use an ordinary pan. Only you have to wrap yourself in a blanket or a towel. Take tea instead of tea during the day.

Hawthorn for the nervous system

Has a sedative effect. At the same time, there is no strong sensation of drowsiness. Reduces overall excitability, helps with insomnia.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use

Sprinkle berries in a container and pour water. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas to a minimum and keep in this state for 5-10 minutes. Switch off and allow to cool.

Rosehip, like hawthorn has useful properties and also does not have strict contraindications. Take before bedtime. Soothes the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on sleep.

Hawthorn for the digestive system

One of the main beneficial properties of hawthorn tincture is the treatment of gastritis, and there are no contraindications. In addition, all the same broths and infusions are excellent in the case of flatulence or poor digestion in the smallest.

Specialists note that all forms of the plant have therapeutic functions. At the same time, they emphasize that the most useful properties are the flowers of hawthorn, which, like berries, have almost no contraindications.

In general, this plant works favorably on the body of most of the people without causing any side effects.

Possible contraindications

In addition to beneficial properties, fruits and leaves of hawthorn have contraindications. More often the hawthorn is prescribed to everyone - it can be taken without fear, since it does not contain toxins. Despite this, the use of infusions, tinctures and even decoctions should be abandoned to people who have high blood coagulability, developed diseases such as bradycardia and hypotension. It is also not advisable to drink to expectant mothers during breastfeeding.