Grapefruit oil

The use of this citrus for the human body is known to most people, but not only the pulp, but also the skin of the fruit, has healing properties. By cold pressing of high purification, grapefruit oil is obtained from it, which has positive effects on the body, hair, restoring calmness and good mood.

Grapefruit essential oil - properties and composition

First of all, in the product described, a high concentration of essential vitamins: A, D, C, P and B. In addition, the oil is saturated with such substances:

Thanks to the listed components, grapefruit oil has the following positive properties:

Thus, the product can be actively used for disinfection of premises, as an additional measure in the treatment of infectious diseases and simply for relaxation of the whole organism, normalization of sleep.

Grapefruit essential oil for hair

Best of all, this product is suitable for owners of scalp, prone to fat. The oil perfectly contributes to cleansing, reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands and keeping the strands in an ideally healthy state.

The easiest way is to enrich your favorite shampoo or balm with a curative product. To do this, add grapefruit oil in an amount of 2-3 drops in a dose of hygiene immediately before application. Even more intensify the effect of the drug can be, using simultaneously 1 drop of tea tree oil and 2 drops of peppermint.

In addition, you can make a simple mask:

  1. Dissolve in a tablespoon of almond oil or jojoba 5 drops of grapefruit oil.
  2. Carefully massage the prepared mixture into a clean scalp.
  3. After 2 hours, wash your hair using organic shampoo.

To strengthen growth and effectively strengthen the roots, the following recipe is recommended:

  1. Mix essential oils: sage, grapefruit and rosemary (3 drops each) in a tablespoon of the base oil of the grape bones.
  2. Every 3 days, apply the product to the roots of the hair, conducting a short session of light massage.
  3. Perform the procedure before going to bed, wash your head only in the morning.

Grapefruit essential oil for the face

The presented product perfectly helps to cope with skin problems (acne, comedones, inflammation), helps reduce its fat content and smooth out the relief. In addition, oil is an effective tonic, allowing to achieve an increase in the elasticity of the skin, has a rejuvenating effect.

In its pure form, the use of grapefruit ether is not recommended, since a high concentration of ascorbic acid can cause burns even to not too sensitive skin. Therefore, the best way to use is to enrich ready-made creams and masks, both professional and home-made, with 2-3 drops of oil.

Grapefruit oil - application of cellulite

The described preparation considerably strengthens blood circulation in tissues, clears lymph and blood from radionuclides and toxins, stimulates metabolic processes in cells and enriches them with oxygen. Therefore it is not surprising that grapefruit oil is considered to be the most effective in cosmetology in the treatment of cellulite.

To obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to make a mixture of ethers:

Mixing 1 drop of each product, they should be added to any base oil, for example, olive or almond. With the use of the prepared preparation, it is necessary to perform an intensive massage of the problem areas every day after the skin is stripped. Already after 30-35 days the result will be noticeable.