Corn sticks - harm or benefit?

Sweet corn sticks are one of the favorite desserts of adults and children. Now they are available everywhere and varied in their taste qualities.

In order to know what the harm is, and what's the use, you should consider this product by its properties. The production of corn sticks is a foam mass made from corn cereals. Of this mass, sticks are formed, and then they are dried. The result is a sweet and inexpensive treat.

How useful are corn sticks?

To the dignity of corn sticks in the first place can be attributed simple carbohydrates , which are well absorbed by the human body and quickly enter the blood. This increases the value of this product. The assimilation of processed corn starch occurs much faster - and this is another benefit of corn sticks.

In the production of top quality products, they often add important vitamins, trace elements. Some recipes include additives from fruit purees and juices, which greatly increases nutritional value.

Harm of corn sticks

Cheap corn sticks often have the following ingredients in their composition: refined and deodorized vegetable oil, artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, stabilizers and of course powdered sugar. These components can be detrimental to human health. Therefore, one can safely say that inexpensive corn sticks are more harmful than useful.

Caloric content in 100 grams of this product is 558 kcal and 25% sugar. Particularly harmful is the product for elderly people with diabetes and prone to obesity, as well as children and pregnant women.

Benefit and harm of sweet corn sticks

It is worth noting that the higher the quality of a crispy delicacy, the better it benefits. Corn sticks have the following advantages:

Corn sticks are considered harmful to the digestive system. They do not contain coarse fibers, which can lead to problems with the intestines.

If in the manufacture of rods used not sugar, but its substitute, then such a product will be the least calorie and more harmful. In any case, eating a large number of corn sticks, even the highest quality, can be detrimental to health.

Initially, when buying is very important to consider the composition of components. Presence of all kinds of chemistry: preservatives, artificial colors and flavors can cause allergies . These ingredients are often found in low-quality corn sticks.

Therefore, before each one there is a choice - to buy a quality and most useful product, or cheap.