Morning - side effects

Utrozhestan, often used in gynecology, refers to hormonal drugs. The main component of this drug is the hormone progesterone. In order to understand when this drug is prescribed, it is necessary to determine what role progesterone plays in the female body. This is also necessary in order to determine the side effects of Utrozhestan, and, therefore, when it is strictly prohibited.

How does progesterone affect the female body?

Progesterone, as is known, is related to the group of progestogens. It is produced by a yellow body that forms at the end of the menstrual cycle. This hormone promotes the transition of the mucous uterus from the proliferation phase, which is controlled by the follicular hormone, into the secretory.

Also, progesterone helps to reduce excitability and contractility of uterine musculature. That is why it is called the hormone of pregnancy.

When is Utrozestan appointed?

This drug has a fairly wide range of applications. So, it is assigned when:

When is Utrozhestan not allowed?

Women, who are prescribed suppositories of Utrozestan, are increasingly interested in side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug. So, this drug can be contraindicated in the following cases:

In addition, Utrozestan should be used with caution when:

What are the main side effects of Utrozhestan?

Having dealt with the action of Utrozhestan on the female body, it is necessary to say what the main side effects of this drug are.

Most often after receiving Utrozhestan, the following side effects are noted:

Most often, after Utrozhestan appears bloody discharge, which is not associated with menstruation, which gives the woman some discomfort.

Also, the side effects of Utrozhestan can be conventionally included weight gain, which many women complain about. This is due to the fact that progesterone promotes the formation of adipose tissue. As a rule, after the end of the drug intake, the hormonal background normalizes, and the weight gradually begins to decrease.

Is the drug prescribed for pregnancy?

Utrozhestan is quite often appointed during the bearing of the child, especially in the early stages. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the probability of spontaneous abortion is high.

However, there may be occurrence of side effects from taking Utrozhestan during pregnancy. Most often it is:

Some women noted the appearance of discharge after taking Utrozhestan. This fact is explained by the fact that under the influence of progesterone, a menstrual cycle is possible. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist.