How to propagate gooseberries - the best ways known to gardeners

Fruit bushes not only yield a harvest of delicious berries, but also serve as a decoration of the territory. There are several ways how to propagate gooseberries, which have their own nuances and they must be taken into account in order to achieve results. You can use them at any time, except winter.

Ways of reproduction of gooseberry

There are several options, how to get a new fruit bush, and the best of them involves the use of cuttings. It is important to choose the right gooseberry for reproduction. Thus, only high-yielding plants that are classified as "pure" are suitable. Finding out how to propagate a bush of gooseberries, it is worth noting that it is necessary to choose cultures without any diseases and pests.

How to propagate gooseberries cuttings?

To preserve and increase the plant population, experts recommend choosing this variant of reproduction. There are three ways, suitable for use:

  1. With the help of green cuttings. This method is suitable for spring (first decade of May). The best greenhouse conditions are the following: air temperature + 25 ° C and land + 18 ° C and humidity 90%. Young shoots can be taken from bushes that are not older than four years old. From the cuttings remove all the leaves except the top three, make a notch on the kidneys, and in the lower part three incisions along the stem and place them in the water for six hours. To propagate gooseberry cuttings they should be planted in a greenhouse.
  2. With the help of lignified cuttings. This variant of breeding is best used in autumn. Prepare cuttings with a burnt bark, which should have a length of up to 25 cm. Collect them in a bundle and put in a hole 15 cm deep. It is important to plant the cuttings down with the tip. Planting should be covered with a layer of fertile soil, mulching and covering with a film. In the spring, a transplant is made to the open ground, it needs to be done at an incline, leaving two kidneys. Between the cuttings should be a distance of 10 cm.
  3. With the help of combined cuttings. If you are interested in how to propagate gooseberries of different varieties , then it is better to use this variant. By joining together the green and lignified cuttings, put them in one hole. It is better to do this in July. When they reach a height of 50 cm, the plants need to be divided.

Reproduction of gooseberry by layers

To increase the number of fruit plants, you can use ground side shoots, which can be rooted. If you are interested in how to propagate gooseberries with layers, then you can use three options:

  1. Horizontal. In October, select several branches from one year to three years old. Cut off the young growths by 1/3 and the tops from them. Under the bush dig holes, put the prepared branches in them, fixing them with studs and filling them with earth. When grooves appear and their height reaches 8-10 cm, it is important to spend hilling. Keep an eye on the condition of the soil throughout the summer. In September, you need to dig out the trains, cut off the central branch and cut it. Keep the seedlings in the cellar.
  2. Arcs. Finding out how to propagate gooseberry by layers, it is worth mentioning another popular option, for which it is necessary to use shoots, the age of which is a year. They first shorten, and then, bend in the form of an arc and lay in prepared holes. For fixation, use the studs. Top with a humus soil, making small hills on top. It is important to regularly mulch and water the plant. In autumn, detach the layers from the bush, excavate them and drop them into the desired place.
  3. Vertical. It is necessary to cut off the ground part of the main branches, leaving only hemp, which is characterized by well-developed buds. Their size should be 5-10 cm. The land around it is important to regularly loosen and moisturize well. When the height of the shoots is 10-12 cm, the first hilling is carried out, and in 2-3 weeks - the second. In the autumn the layers are separated from the main bush and they are grown for a year, and then planted in a permanent place.

When is it better to propagate gooseberries?

This question was asked by many gardeners, since the planting season depends on whether the new plant will take root, how quickly it will develop and when it will take root. Reproduction of gooseberry bushes is best done in spring or autumn, when the seedlings germinate well, and the main plant does not experience severe stress. Some methods can be used in the summer, most importantly, not during fruiting.

Reproduction of gooseberry in spring

In addition to the variants presented above, it is possible in spring to use and propagation by grafting, through which it is possible to obtain a stump bush. There are basic stages of how to propagate gooseberries in spring:

  1. It is necessary to pre-prepare the rootstock, rooting the stubby cuttings a year before the vaccination. Prepare cuttings are recommended from autumn and store them in the basement.
  2. If the reproduction of gooseberries in spring is not cuttings, but by grafting, then it is necessary to realize the conceived in the spring. Vaccination is performed in the side or in the side section.
  3. It is important that the graft and the rootstock of the thickness coincide with each other. After inoculation before the adhesion, the cuttings are stored at a temperature of 18-23 ° C, and then they should be placed in a cool room before planting.

Reproduction of gooseberry in summer

In the hot time to create the ideal conditions to get a new fruit bush, it is not easy, but it is possible. Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to reproduce gooseberries with green cuttings in the summer. This option has the most chances of success. You can use well-known methods of application of layers. Do not forget to humidify the ground well in hot weather.

Gooseberry reproduction in autumn

In addition to the variants presented above, multiplication by bush division can be used to increase the number of fruit bushes. After all the leaves have fallen off, it is necessary to excavate the old bush and divide it into several parts, so that each has its own roots and young shoots. As a result, new seedlings are obtained. Such vegetative reproduction of gooseberries can be carried out in early spring.

Gooseberries - care after breeding

After new seedlings were planted, it is important to observe several rules:

  1. You can not tolerate the drying of the land, so it is worth regularly watering the plants, but most importantly, do not overdo it.
  2. After the propagation of gooseberries, planting and care means control over the state of the earth. It should be loose, which is important for oxygen supply. Be sure to clean the weeds and mulch.