Ultrasound therapy - indications and contraindications

Ultrasound therapy refers to the category of methods for affecting the human body current. At the same time, the current is not very high, but the voltage is quite strong. As a result, the process of metabolism in the skin and adjacent tissues improves, the regenerative function is triggered, oxygen enrichment and ozone uptake occur. Indications and contra-indications of ultratonotherapy differ little from recommendations on the use of darsonval.

Indications for ultratonotherapy

Apparatus for ultrathon therapy is similar to darsonval, it is small in size and has a glass tip for impact through the skin. The electric impulse is practically not felt, discomfort sensations are minimal. Most often the procedure is prescribed for such diseases:

Also, ultrasound therapy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system - it tones, relieves the manifestations of the VSD, eliminates spasms and cramps, and struggles with insomnia. Patients with various nervous disorders in the initial stage noticed a significant improvement in their well-being after the first 7 procedures. Usually the course is 20 procedures.

Contraindications to ultratonotherapy

In cosmetology, ultrathonotherapy is used to treat acne, improve the complexion and the course of rejuvenating activities. Also, with the help of current, you can accelerate the growth of hair and increase their density. It is not recommended to use the device on the eye area and lips, since the skin on these sites is too thin, and the fat layer is practically absent.