Deodorant for the feet

Increased sweating of the feet leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and the reproduction of bacteria. Specialists in dermatology believe that normal sweating should not be. Most often it is observed at high temperatures of air in summer, with strong stress and active sport. Another reason for the appearance of excessive sweating of the feet is closed and uncomfortable shoes. It is with this that athletes, servicemen, models and office workers come into contact, who are forced to walk in the appropriate dress code during work hours. In this case, to avoid unpleasant odor will help deodorants for the feet.

Which deodorant to choose?

Deodorants for legs are divided into three groups:

Whichever group deodorants are used for the legs, they are only an auxiliary tool, and can not solve the cause of the appearance of excessive sweating.

To determine the choice of deodorant, you need to take into account the nature and cause of the smell.

If the smell of the legs is strongly pronounced, and sweating is not strong, you can use the funds from the first group, which only mask the smells. These tools include deodorant foot spray: it contains strong fragrances, gives a feeling of freshness and purity, but does not block sweating.

With a strong perspiration and a pronounced odor, it is better to use deodorant antiperspirant for the feet: it reduces sweating, thus preventing the spread of bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Fragrances in such products are given less importance, since their main task is not to mask the smell, but to prevent the appearance of sweat. Those who have an average sweating and not strongly expressed an unpleasant smell, it is better to use a cream-deodorant. It is applied to washed dry feet. Shoes are worn only after the cream is completely absorbed. Many creams, deodorants for the feet have additional properties for nourishing and moisturizing the skin, and also promote the healing of small cuts and cracks. If the smell is almost not expressed, and sweating is strong, then the ideal option will be a deodorant with talc for legs. Talc absorbs moisture and gives a sense of comfort, and also keeps the shoes from premature destruction due to high humidity.

How to use foot care?

The first rule in using deodorants: all foot products are applied only to clean and dried skin. It is best to use these products immediately after the shower, even if you plan to go out in the streets after only a couple of hours.

The second rule: after returning home be sure to thoroughly wash off the skin! Cream-deodorants, and especially antiperspirants, leave a thin film on the skin, which prevents sweating. It must be washed off, so that the skin rested in the evening.

The third rule: before applying on the entire foot, you need to make sure that there are no allergenic components. To do this, apply a small amount of cream or deodorant to the skin area and leave for 15 minutes. If the skin is flushed or itch appears, do not use this deodorant.