Analysis for allergy

People suffering from allergies , know about what it is necessary to take tests while doing it, not by hearsay. However, if you have an allergy attack for the first time or you are not sure that it is she, then you have to pass allergy tests to you and therefore it's time to get acquainted with their list and purpose.

Types of analyzes for the definition of an allergic reaction

So, what is an allergy analysis and what does it eat? First of all, it is necessary to say that it allows you to learn about what substances and for what reason (for example, because of a lack of something in the body), an allergic reaction occurred. Sometimes these tests require conducting along with further monitoring of the patient in order to study his reaction to food, air composition, etc., and get a complete picture (including the results of analyzes) of what is wrong with him.

To study the state of health for allergy to anything, a blood test for allergy is conducted, as well as a test for allergy from the skin. First and foremost, it is blood tests that are very effective, because by determining the composition of the blood, it can be said which probable cause of allergy. Sometimes, with the help of them, it is possible to prevent the development of this disease and its attack by prescribing certain medications or food to the patient.

In the above purpose, the following tests are performed for allergies:

  1. Blood test:
  • A sample from the skin for allergies.
  • Clinical blood count

    What analyzes hand over at an allergy, we have found out. Now it's time to study each of them in more detail. A general clinical blood test is necessary to determine the number of zosinophil cells, the growth of which is observed when the body is infected with foreign bacteria or parasites. If it is elevated, then this may indicate an allergy or the presence of parasitic microorganisms in the body. To exclude the latter, an additional analysis is carried out, and if it does not confirm the presence of parasites, then they begin to analyze for a common immunoglobulin.

    Analysis for total immunoglobulin E

    This blood test for allergy determines the amount of immunoglobulin cells in the blood serum. In 70% of cases with allergies, it rises. In the remaining 30% of cases, tests for antibodies of immunoglobulin are relevant.

    Analysis for the determination of IgG and IgG antibodies

    This analysis determines the rate of allergic reaction. In the production of IgE it is large, it means that allergic reactions of an immediate type occur. When lgG is treated, reactions to the allergen are delayed. In the latter case, the organism could be attacked by plant allergens, parasites, molds, etc.