Beef shish kebab

Shashlik is originally a traditional dish of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia, but it can be confidently asserted that cooking meat on a spit over an open fire is one of the oldest methods of practically all the peoples of the World, which was formed in prehistoric times.

From other similar dishes shish kebab differs first of all by small cutting of meat. It takes much less time and wood to cook meat than if the meat was cooked in large pieces or as a whole refreshed carcass. In addition, as a rule, before preparing shish kebab meat pre-marinated, which, in some way, changes its texture, determines the taste and aroma of the prepared dish.

According to the main idea, the shish kebab is prepared from mutton , however in the territory of the post-Soviet space the tradition to cook meat on skewers has become so popular that it has been rethought, and that is why it is often cooked shish kebab from pork and beef.

Choose a shish kebab fresh unfrozen meat without bones (tenderloin, neck, thick edge or other part where the meat is soft and tender). It is desirable that the animal was young, the color of the films and fatty veins should be white, not yellow.

How to pickle the shish kebab from beef?

Meat, cut into chunks for shish kebab, marinade for at least 2 hours, but no more than 3 days in a refrigerator in a closed container. The more aggressive the marinade, the smaller the meat is cut, the faster it will be marinated, the optimal pickling time is 4-8 hours. Marinades for shish kebab from beef can be very different: on the basis of wine, natural fruit vinegars, or beer, based on fresh fruit and vegetable juices, based on fermented milk products. Usually, various spices, sliced ​​fruit, aromatic greens and garlic are added to the marinade. Some add onions, but then the meat takes on a specific taste and smell, which is not liked by everyone, so it's better not to do it. Spices and other flavoring agents in the marinade, should not be too much, they should only complement and slightly modify the taste of meat, giving it new flavors.

The recipe for cooking shish kebab from beef

How to fry shish kebabs is known to everyone: either over almost burnt charcoal (conifers are excluded) on a brazier or a primitive temporary hearth, or in a shish kebab on a balcony or in the kitchen.

Tasty shish kebab from beef marinated in kefir - recipe



We make a marinade: in kefir we add spices, chopped garlic and crushed greens, slightly salt and mix. Meat, cut into pieces, put into a container and close it. In marching conditions, you can marinate meat in a plastic container or in a plastic bag (in this case, the package or container should not be in the open sun and, in general, warm). After some time, at least 2 hours, remove the meat from the marinade and remove garlic from the surface of the meat pieces (he can burn out). We put pieces of meat on skewers, it is possible to alternate with pieces of vegetables-fruit. Tasty shish kebab is made from beef with kiwi slices.

Fry until ready, periodically turning the skewers so that the meat is fried evenly. Sometimes you need to sprinkle meat with water or beer.

We serve shish kebab with herbs, with green peas or boiled chickpeas, with spicy sauces, with fresh fruit vegetables. Of course, it's good to serve a barbecue, in this case red table or pink, or beer, of soft drinks, natural fresh fruit juices, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, are appropriate.