The direction of personality in psychology

The direction of personality in psychology is one of the most important components of the entire structure of the personality. It is this quality that is the system into which the set of dominant interests, inclinations, ideals, needs, beliefs, and worldview is inscribed. All this determines how a person behaves in a changing environment. The direction of personality affects the motivation of activity, and the features of temperament, and mental states, and all sorts of volitional, emotional, cognitive, mental processes.

Personality orientation and its types

Specialists distinguish three types of focus, which cover the main areas of human life, but along with them, highlight and other options. Let's consider both, and others.

  1. Personal orientation. This direction is built on motives of personal well-being, aspiration to victory, primacy. Such a person has little interest in other people and their feelings, and all that interests him is to fulfill his needs and desires. More often than not, they are characterized by such traits of character as concentration on oneself, attempts to impose one's will on others, the tendency to make hasty and unjustified kinds about others.
  2. Focus on reciprocal actions. In this case, we are talking about a person whose actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain good relations with people. This person is interested in joint projects, relationships. Usually this type of people avoid direct problem solving, yield to the pressure of the group, refuse to pronounce unclear ideas and do not seek to lead.
  3. Business orientation. Such a person is easily carried away by the process of activity, strives for knowledge, mastering new skills. This person will necessarily express his point of view, if it is important for solving the problem. Usually this type of people helps others formulate the idea, support the group, easily state their thoughts, can lead, if the solution of the problem requires.
  4. Emotional orientation of personality. Such a person is directed to feelings and experiences, and perhaps to his personal, and perhaps - to the experiences of others. This direction can correspond to the need for glory, and the need for help to others, and interest in fighting and primacy. In addition, such people often like to solve various complex intellectual tasks.
  5. Social orientation of the individual. This type is inclined to serve the fatherland, the development of one science, etc., strives to realize itself as much as possible, since it will benefit his country. Such people can be sent on an intellectual type (on discoveries, achievements), on an enterprising type (such people turn out to be excellent businessmen), etc.

Knowing what is meant by the direction of the person, and this simple classification, you can easily determine the direction of each of your friends.

Features of the personality

There are additional aspects of the direction, each of which corresponds to a certain sphere of life:

  1. The morality of everyday behavior depends on the level of social value and the social significance of the relationship for the individual.
  2. The purposefulness of the individual depends on the diversity of the individual's needs, the range of interests and the certainty of the central ones.
  3. The integrity of the personality depends on the degree of stability of the relationship, as well as consistency and principledness.

Such characteristics additionally characterize the general orientation of the personality and give certain features to the character.