Development of speech of children of preschool age

They say that the first impression of a person is deceptive. Perhaps, judging by appearance, material situation or by some other criteria, but not by the culture of speech.

Proper pronunciation, rich vocabulary, listening, picking up suitable words and intonation - all these qualities are inherent only in people with a high level of spiritual culture, intelligent and erudite, educated and intelligent. Is not that so, does every mother dream of seeing her child? However, to ensure that the child is happy with his successes, the latter should pay due attention to its development already at the preschool age, in particular, it is necessary to focus on the development of speech.

Stages of the development of speech in preschool children

In the first year of life, the main achievements of the vocal apparatus of babies are considered to be the appearance of the so-called babbling and pronunciation of certain meaningful words. Their number is small, in comparison with the number of those that a crumb can understand. At the age of 1-3 years, the speech of preschool children is actively developing, due to the expansion of the range of needs. At this stage, babies need communication with adults. Mainly it helps to increase the vocabulary, introduces the baby to such concepts as plural and intonation. Closer to three years, many children experience certain difficulties with pronunciation of sounds. In particular, crumbs soften hard consonants, "lose" the letter "p", replace sibilant with other sounds.

As a rule, such defects in pronunciation, associated with imperfection of the lower jaw, tongue, lips or soft palate, are inherent in the third stage of speech development in preschool children. Despite this, boys and girls of 3-7 years can boast a sufficiently rich vocabulary, the ability to build complex sentences formed by contextual speech.

Means of development of coherent speech of preschool children

A healthy child has all the physiological prerequisites, so that in the future his speech becomes clear and expressive, and the explanation - complete and consistent. Nevertheless, speech is not an innate ability, but is formed on a par with other skills and abilities. And in order for the process of mastering the native language to pass successfully, the little one must grow in love and care, and his social environment should be worthy.

Basically, children learn and imitate their parents, they quickly memorize new words, enrich their speech with synonyms, adjectives and turns. Therefore, moms and dads need:

Also, one should not underestimate the influence of communication with peers on this process. Of course, the words heard on the street or from friends do not always refer to those who are entitled to the presence of a cultural person in the dictionary. But what to do, but it's a good opportunity to explain to the child that it's ugly to say so.

Games for the development of speech of preschoolers

Everyone knows that the game - this is one of the main and most effective ways of teaching children. Therefore, in many families and kindergartens, to enrich the vocabulary, develop intonational expressiveness of speech of preschool children and improve the auditory perception, conduct special game events.

For example, your favorite children's play is "A wonderful bag". The essence of the game is that the kids should name each item from the bag, describe it or make up a story - depending on the age of the players.