How to prepare a child for school independently?

Until recently, my mother could read a child for a day a couple of fairy tales, play with him in a fun game and take him for a walk. But the last year before the school poses new challenges for parents and future students. Let's find out how, without resorting to the help of tutors, to prepare a child for the school on their own, because to do it every parent can.

How to psychologically prepare a child for school at home?

Great importance in the preparation of the baby for school time is played by his psychological readiness. When there is a year left until September 1, it's time to help your child grow up:

  1. Well, if in addition to a kindergarten, the child will visit another section, where he will communicate with his peers. If the baby does not attend the Dow, this requirement becomes even more important. He should be able to communicate, so that the period of adaptation in the school passed as quickly and painlessly as possible.
  2. On the playground, when you come to your friends to visit, teach your child to greet the grown-ups, and with the children of his age - to get acquainted. Shyness is not the best friend in school life.
  3. Encourage the children of interest in the school. The kid should realize that it is useful to learn, it's interesting that a beautiful backpack and uniform are attributes of a new, full of impressions of life.
  4. The future first-grader should have a positive motivation for the teacher, new friends, the learning process. Constantly pronounce in the family circle, it's great to be a schoolboy and get new knowledge.

Tips on how to properly prepare a child for school at home

In addition to psychological readiness, the kid should have an understanding of the letters and figures, the world around him and have a developed analytical thinking:

  1. From the age of 3-5 the child needs to be taught such concepts as more-less, up-down, long-short. This will help him to better orient himself in mathematical disciplines. The kid should know how the figures of the first ten look, be able to count within these limits and solve unpretentious tasks.
  2. Modern teachers recommend not to automatically memorize all the letters of the alphabet in order, but first to learn the vowels, and then go on to read the syllables together with the consonant letters. This method is most effective in teaching the child coherent reading.
  3. Do not forget about the daily routine. It is gradually adjusted to a new school schedule with early ups and a clear division of time into homework, exercise and rest.