Deviant behavior of adolescents

The problem of interaction between fathers and children, to be exact teenagers and their parents, arises in almost every generation and represents an eternal clash of interests. However, just now, as never before, the behavior of many adolescents not only causes trouble for parents, but also constitutes a danger to society. This is due to the propensity of the modern generation to deviant behavior. Why do juvenile criminals and hooligans grow up in normal and prosperous families? We will try to answer this question.

Causes of deviant behavior

According to age psychology, up to about 12 years, every child is a growing person with childish and innocent interests. But just a year later the same child is sometimes difficult to recognize. Regardless of whether the girl is a boy or a boy, parents begin to hear rudeness and insults in their address, notice how their child has changed in appearance, from teenage pimples and ending with informal clothes. This is how the beginning of the period of puberty or as it is called - the transition age - is manifested. Even the most obedient children at one point can become uncontrollable. It is at this point in time that psychologists mark the birth of deviant behavior in children and adolescents, that is, an unacceptable way for society to interact with violation of morality, morality and even the criminal code.

The causes of deviant behavior in all "difficult" adolescents, as a rule, are similar:

  1. Evaluation of bodily development. Strong and courageous teenagers almost do not need to try to earn the trust of others. Weak, thin and low boys, on the contrary, are constantly compelled to prove their worth to others, and try to excel at times due to very questionable actions.
  2. Sexual maturation is accompanied by a surge of hormones that lead to quick temper, aggressiveness, disobedience, etc.
  3. Inconsistency in the level and pace of personality development. Very often, the problem of deviant behavior is that the sense of adulthood and permissiveness in teenagers inevitably encounters a lack of understanding of his aspirations and claims from adults.

Children strongly react negatively to criticism of adults. Their behavior is almost always unstable and can change from an ordinary bad mood to an affective state.

In addition to the above, you can find such signs of deviant behavior as aggression in adolescents , low level of intelligence, negative attitudes toward learning, family conflicts, evasion from home, minor misconduct at the level of violation of discipline and public order rules, and also the most complex cases involving criminal penalties.

F. Pataki concentrated in his classification of the main directions of deviant behavior of adolescents:

Among other things, today you can meet the following deviant forms of behavior of children:

Usually, after the end of puberty, the age crisis is over, and the behavior of teenagers is normalized. If this does not happen or the child causes anxiety in the parents, in this case it is necessary to resort to the treatment of deviant behavior.

Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents

Knowing the main reasons why the child's behavior begins to deviate from the norm, you can prevent them in advance. However, parents should remember that the prevention of deviant behavior is primarily trust in the family and close communication with the child. It is family conflicts that often lead to irreparable consequences. If time was missed, correction of deviant behavior is possible in several ways:

  1. Informing the child and increasing his psychological literacy regarding those intrapersonal problems that he faced. The scientific data, the experience of other people, etc. can help here.
  2. Education metaphor. The simplest and most effective way to find a common language with a teenager is to communicate with him in the language of metaphors. It is important to tell him that you have gone through the same problems as him. This will not only develop confidence, but also will discharge the situation well
  3. Classes in different sections. Having given the child to sports or a creative group, you can direct his interests and energy in a positive direction.
  4. If independent ways to find a common language with a difficult child is not possible, you need to turn to the help of a psychologist. Professional consultation will help the child to understand himself and settle intra-family conflicts.