Fillers in nasolabial folds

Deep wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle are formed very early. This is due to the fact that we constantly talk, using facial expressions. Two furrows, going from the nose to the corners of the mouth, and especially manifested during a smile, are called nasolabial folds. They are not a consequence of age-related changes, but appear due to the features of the anatomical structure of the face.

The causes of nasolabial folds

Most of these folds deepen in women aged 35-40 years, or even earlier, as a result:

To make nasolabial folds less noticeable, you can use the procedure for introducing fillers into them. But before agreeing to such manipulation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences and existing contraindications for its conduct.

What are fillers?

Filler is a gel that is injected under the skin in a place where it is necessary to remove wrinkles or make a small volume. That is why it is well suited to align or make less pronounced nasolabial folds . This method is also called contour plasty, since with the help of such injections it is possible to edit the shape of the face.

Depending on the component on which they are created, the following types of fillers are distinguished:

Each species has several options, as this gel is produced by different cosmetology companies. Between them, they differ in the consistency and duration of preservation of the effect obtained. The best fillers for nasolabial folds are considered viscous products, which include drugs Yuviderm and Restylane.

Filler filling process for nasolabial folds

The entire process of introducing fillers is divided into 2 stages:


Approximately 20 minutes before the injection must be injected into the area where the introduction of the filler, the anesthetic preparation will be conducted. And you can use the application method, that is, apply an anesthetic cream. But this is not mandatory, since the procedure of the injection itself is not very painful, but some prefer to get rid of such trouble.

An injection

The preparation with microneedic for administration should be hermetically packaged. They can be opened immediately before the procedure. The number of injections depends on how much fluid you need to enter. Usually 2-3 injections are done. The needle is injected directly under the wrinkle and release the drug, which fills the space, causing the fold to flatten.

The whole procedure usually takes 30-50 minutes. The effect lasts about 6 to 12 months, depending on the quality of the filler and the features of the patient's skin.

Complications after insertion of fillers into nasolabial folds

Doctors warn that at the site of the injection may appear:

But these symptoms do not require additional treatment. In order not to have more serious consequences after the introduction of fillers into the nasolabial folds, in the first 10 days should be refrained from:

Contraindications of introduction of fillers into nasolabial folds

This procedure is not carried out:

With the introduction of fillers you can get rid of even pronounced nasolabial folds.