Dried apricots - benefit and harm to the body of women and men

This southern guest makes special not only desserts, but also salty dishes. Excellent it combines with chicken. Many people like dried apricots, but not everyone knows about its properties. Let's consider what kind of dry dried apricots good and harm to the body.

Dried apricots - composition

This fruit can not be called a low-calorie. In his hundred grams, 241 kcal. However, there are significant advantages in this caloric content. When used, there will be a sense of saturation, and there will not be a temptation to eat fast food or another harmful product. Such dried fruit as dried apricots, the chemical composition has a special one. It contains:

What vitamins are in dried apricots?

Speaking about what kind of dried apricots the benefit and harm to the body can cause, it can not be said about its unique composition. In the dried apricot contains various useful substances that do not cause harm, but, on the contrary, are vital to the human body. What vitamins in dried apricots are not known to everyone, but this:

  1. Vitamin A is 583 μg. Participates in such processes as oxidation and reduction. In his absence, blindness can develop.
  2. Vitamin B1 - 0.1 mg. Takes part in the regulation of metabolic processes, delivers energy to the body. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system and digestive tract.
  3. Vitamin B2 - 0, 2 mg. Actively participates in metabolic processes, affects visual acuity.
  4. Vitamin C - 4 mg. Participates in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism, excretes cholesterol from the body.
  5. Vitamin E - 5.5 mg. Its main function is the protection from oxidation by oxygen.
  6. Vitamin PP - 3 mg. Participates in regulation of carbohydrate, protein, water-salt metabolism, normalization of cholesterol level.

Dried apricots - good for the body

Many people are interested in the usefulness of dried apricots and whether it does not harm the body. It is often used during treatment and prevention of childhood and adult diseases. Since dried apricot contains a lot of iron, it is often included in the diet with anemia. Suffering cardiovascular diseases are also recommended to use it. The southern guest will be an excellent assistant in the fight against bacteria.

Still it is often used:

The eastern guest is able to remove toxins and toxins and can approach for the prevention of cancer. Often it is proposed to include in the menu people who have been exposed to radioactive influences. Dried apricot is an excellent assistant in the fight against stress. It helps to improve brain activity, improves vision, skin, improves immunity .

Than dried apricots for women?

The southern guest is loved by many women and it is not accidental, because it has long been called "female dessert", because the benefits of dried apricots for the female body is undeniable, and it practically does not bring harm. With her help, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. In addition, the sun fruit is used in the treatment of nervous system disorders that are caused by PMS. Favorably it influences also at skin diseases, rashes, reddening.

Than dried apricots for men?

Not all men know about the properties of dried apricots. From her no harm, but the benefits for the male body is obvious. In this oriental fruit, there is carotene, which not only has the therapeutic effect on the heart and blood vessels, but also slows down aging, improves eyesight, increases the potency of men, so eastern sweetness should be present in the diet of the stronger sex.

Dried apricots for weight loss

Often, representatives of the fair half are interested in whether you can eat dried apricots while losing weight. As it turned out, the southern guest not only does not harm the body, but can become an excellent assistant for all who wish to say goodbye with excess weight. One of the advantages of oriental sweets is its nutritional value. Although it is quite a calorie (in a hundred grams of dried apricots contains 232 kcal), but still it is much less than in cakes and cakes.

In a dried apricot, many carbohydrates give energy to the human body and are quickly consumed. Fats in dried fruit are practically absent. The southern guest has a diuretic effect - so, the body is able to get rid of excess fluid, which helps to lose weight. Since there are a lot of fiber in dried apricots, using it you can clean the digestive tract from slags and accumulated deposits, improve digestion and metabolic processes.

Diet on dried apricots

In search of the best ways to become beautiful and slender girls and older women often wonder whether dried apricots are useful when losing weight. There are various diets based on the oriental dried fruit. One of the most effective is a 2-day diet. In just a few days there are all chances to get rid of extra pairs of kilograms.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Adequate adjustments are possible in the diet, but it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. From the diet should be completely eliminated sweets, fried and high-calorie foods.
  2. Every day, drink up to three liters of water. Sweet carbonated drinks to exclude.
  3. The menu must certainly be fish and lean meat.

Relaxing day on dried apricots for weight loss

What has dried apricots useful properties for weight loss we found, so you should pay attention to another method of reducing weight with this dried fruit. It will be about the unloading days , which are sometimes necessary, especially after overeating. To relieve the body of stress, such discharges are often recommended to do together with orange eastern sweetness. This express diet is suitable for those who have no problems with the pancreas. It is proposed to prepare a cocktail and drink it throughout the day 4-5 times with portions of 150-200 grams.

Cocktail of dried apricots for weight loss

Such a cocktail is an additional source of vitamins and micronutrients and can replace one of the meals.



  1. With a blender, the dried apricot is ground in a puree.
  2. The resulting puree in the blender is whipped with juice.
  3. The resulting cocktail should be consumed throughout the day.

Dried apricots - contraindications

Undeniable is the benefit of the southern dried fruit, but we can not help saying that about what dried apricots harm can inflict on the body. If you suspect that the dried fruit of dried apricots benefits and harm to the body are equally important, before turning on eastern sweetness in your diet, you will certainly get a consultation from a doctor. It is not recommended to use the product for such problems: