Deviant behavior of children

Many people are familiar with a term such as deviant behavior, that is, a deviation. It denotes the child's desire to erase that facet that separates social norms and unseemly acts. It is necessary to find out what forms of deviant behavior of children and adolescents exist, how they manifest themselves. It is believed that the regular violations of generally accepted norms, the guys try to attract attention.

Features of children with deviant behavior

Experts classify deviations depending on the norms that are violated, on the degree of harm that is inflicted on the person and others. It is suggested to distinguish such types of violations:

For each age there are typical manifestations of such deviations:

  1. Children under 7 years. Deviant behavior of children of preschool and primary school age is often manifested in inconsistency, irritability, poor progress. Also for such a child you can see the timidity, uncertainty.
  2. Children 7-10 years. Violations become more pronounced, we can note a constant rudeness, conflict. Caution should be excessive stiffness of the child, loss of appetite.
  3. Adolescents older than 10 years. An example of the deviant behavior of a child of this age can be called vagrancy, theft, hooliganism.

Some genetic peculiarities, psychological, psychophysiological factors, are considered to be the reasons for such deviations.

Prevention of deviant behavior of children and adolescents

An important task for parents and educators is to prevent such deviations. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive work aimed at developing an understanding of social norms and ways of solving difficult situations.

Activities should concern children of all age groups and include the participation of both parents and teachers. The following methods of prevention can be distinguished :

  1. Conversations and lectures. In a confidential form, it is worth telling the guys about ways to solve various problems, it is important to give examples. Also, conversations should be aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, nurturing aversion to alcohol and drugs.
  2. Organization of leisure. We need to teach the guys to take their free time interesting and useful lessons. It is worth organizing for them hiking, visiting cultural events.
  3. Psychological trainings. They can help to establish relationships in the team, to teach the child to prioritize and cope with problems.
  4. Educational programs. They will allow to form correct attitude to healthy way of life among children, will provide prevention of sexual deviations.

It is important that the work is conducted systematically, and activities are interesting for children.