Principles of healthy eating

We will not insist, and repeat, as in the well-known statement "it is impossible, it is impossible!". Let's talk about what you can and should eat, and how wonderful it is. That's right, the principles of healthy eating should bring happiness and joy from their observance.

Delicious fish and healthy omega fats

Omega-3 and omega-6 are fatty acids with an intricate name. These substances are not synthesized by our body, but they are for some reason extra important for our existence. It turns out such an inconvenient paradox, but if you look at where these omega fatty acids are contained, all sorts of inconveniences go to the background.


Vegetables or classics of the genre

Well, who will say that vegetables are not useful? In vegetables, the mass of vitamins, minerals, oils, antioxidants, fiber. There is no person who would have turned the tongue to say that vegetables have nothing to do with the basic principles of healthy eating. Moreover, we will not be tricky: every day, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables and cover with a clear conscience the need for fiber and some vitamins. Alas, seasonal vegetables are not in every season, but also greenhouse products from supermarkets, at least contain at least fiber.

The unique vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized in our body, but under special conditions - when exposed to sunlight. It would seem that there is no need to bake about its deficit, but even people living in solar countries, there is a shortage of it. The reason - in the desire to hide in the shadows and in the use of sunscreen. This vitamin is needed not just to comply with all the principles of healthy diet for weight loss, it always depends on the presence of sudden appearance of osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes and hormonal failure. In this regard, we consider it expedient to receive fish oil and vitamin supplements.

Hunger, and only it - a sign of the need for food

They say that you need to eat 4, 5, and even 8 times a day. But what does it mean "necessary" when there is no famine? The rule of fractional nutrition speaks more likely that your portions should be small, but not frequent. Although adherence to the first half of the rule, as it were, automatically, leads to the observance of the second part. But the frequency of your food also depends on the calorie content of the correct "small" portion. For example: eat 50 grams of cod liver and note the time - when will the desire to eat something? We promise you that not earlier than eight hours.

It is necessary to eat in small portions - this is true, but this does not mean that the food in itself should be crammed by the bell of the configured alarm clock.