Deviant behavior

Most people follow long established social norms in society. Thanks to them, the sociability is dominated by predictability and regularity of actions. But it also happens that some individuals do not meet their expectations with the actions that society places on them. Some people refuse to follow generally accepted guidelines and rules. As a result of this, their actions are deviant behavior or in other words deviant.

Deviant behavior is defined as social behavior, in which the actions of the individual do not correspond to the norms available in society.

Deviating behavior is negative and positive, we will consider in more detail its types:

  1. Vagrancy (appears due to child homelessness, lack of attention and education from parents, adults).
  2. Aggressive behavior (manifested in relation to others, animals, etc., but does not violate the law).
  3. Alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction.
  4. Behavior with autoaggressive manifestation (damage to one's own health).

Reasons for deviant behavior

Among the factors that give birth to deviations in human behavior can be identified several main:

  1. Individual. These may include neuromuscular diseases of a person, the delay of his mental and physical health, or personal reasons for violating the correct family education, as well as personality characteristics.
  2. Socially-psychological. The causes of deviant behavior may be negative features of the relationship of minors with the environment (children's society, family, street).
  3. Macrosocial. The reasons caused by socio-cultural or socio-economic development of society.

It is worth noting that people who are prone to alcoholism, mental addiction or drug addiction are prone to deviating negative behavior, which can be transmitted from parents to their children. Often such behavior is inherent in people who are not able to change their social and mental state, which is characterized by intrapersonal struggle, conflict. The psychology of deviant behavior, first of all, is observed in people who do not see the possibility of their self-realization. They can not change their social status, achieve what they want, and as a result they refuse to accept social norms of order.

Positive deviant behavior does not harm others. Examples of this behavior include:

  1. A financially well-off personality is engaged in charity to support an orphanage, etc.
  2. An ordinary passer-by helps the police detain a thief.
  3. The soldier refuses to kill civilians, despite the fact that he can be reduced in rank.
  4. An artist with original creative thinking. The society considers him strange and queer.
  5. Genius, sanctity, innovation, asceticism.

That is, this kind of behavior does not harm society, but simply does not enter into the generally accepted social framework.

The deviant behavior of a person can be diagnosed. This technique can be exposed, as well as individuals with antisocial behavior, and an ordinary person, a schoolboy, an employee. The purpose of this diagnosis is to determine the propensity for behavior that threatens society.

Diagnosing deviant behavior

The test questionnaire designed to diagnose this ailment consists of a set of specially created psychodiagnostic scales that are aimed at measuring a person's inclination to certain manifestations of deviant behavior. Here is an example of a female version of this test:

  1. I strive to dress in the fashion to follow the most modern fashion or even outstrip it.
  2. It happens that I postpone for tomorrow what I have to do today.
  3. If there was such an opportunity, I would gladly join the army.
  4. It happens that sometimes I quarrel with my parents.
  5. To achieve her, the girl can sometimes fight.
  6. I would take up a dangerous work for health if it were paid well for it.
  7. Sometimes I feel so much anxiety that I just can not sit still.
  8. I sometimes like to gossip.
  9. I like the profession associated with the risk of life.
  10. I like it when my clothes and appearance annoy people of the older generation.
  11. Only stupid and cowardly people fulfill all the rules and laws.
  12. I would prefer a job related to change and travel, even if it is life-threatening.
  13. I always speak only the truth.
  14. If a person in moderation and without harmful consequences uses excitatory and psychoactive substances - this is normal.
  15. Even if I'm angry, I try not to scold anyone.
  16. I'm happy to watch action films.
  17. If they insulted me, then I must take revenge.
  18. A person should have the right to drink how much he wants and where he wants.
  19. If my girlfriend is late for the appointed time, then I usually stay calm.
  20. It is often difficult for me to make a robot for a certain period of time.
  21. Sometimes I cross the street where I feel comfortable, and not where it's supposed to be.
  22. Some rules and prohibitions can be discarded, if anything you want.
  23. It used to happen that I did not listen to my parents.
  24. In a car, I value safety more than speed.
  25. I think that I would like to do karate or a similar sport.
  26. I would have liked the work of a waitress in a restaurant.
  27. I often feel the need for thrills.
  28. Sometimes I really want to hurt myself.
  29. My attitude to life is well described by the proverb: "Seven times measure, cut once".
  30. I always pay for the fare on public transport.
  31. Among my acquaintances there are people who have tried to intoxicating toxic substances.
  32. I always keep my promises, even if it's not profitable for me.
  33. It happens that I just want to swear.
  34. The people who follow the proverb are right: "If you can not, but really want, then you can."
  35. It used to happen that I happened to get into an unpleasant story after drinking alcohol.
  36. I often can not force myself to continue any occupation after a grievous failure.
  37. Many prohibitions in the field of sex are old-fashioned and can be discarded.
  38. It happens that sometimes I tell a lie.
  39. To suffer the pain of spite is even pleasant for everyone.
  40. I'd rather agree with a man than argue.
  41. If I were born in ancient times, I would become a noble robber.
  42. Need to win a dispute at any cost.
  43. There have been cases when my parents, other adults expressed concern about the fact that I drank a little.
  44. Clothing should at first sight distinguish a person among others in a crowd.
  45. If the movie does not have a decent fight, it's a bad movie.
  46. Sometimes I miss school.
  47. If someone accidentally touched me in the crowd, then I will definitely demand an apology from him.
  48. If a person annoys me, then I am ready to tell him everything that I think about him.
  49. When traveling and traveling, I like to deviate from normal routes.
  50. I would have liked the profession of the animal trainer of predatory animals.
  51. I like to feel the speed when driving fast on a car and a motorcycle.
  52. When I read the detective, I often want the offender to leave the persecution.
  53. It happens that I listen with interest to an indecent, but funny anecdote.
  54. I like to embarrass and embarrass others sometimes.
  55. I often get upset over trifles.
  56. When they object to me, I often explode and respond sharply.
  57. I like to read more about bloody crimes or about disasters.
  58. To have fun, it is worth breaking some rules and prohibitions.
  59. I like to visit companies where they drink and have fun.
  60. I think it's quite normal if a girl smokes.
  61. I like the state that comes when you drink in moderation and in good company.
  62. Sometimes, I had a desire to drink, although I realized that now is not the time or place.
  63. A cigarette in a difficult minute calms me down.
  64. Some people are afraid of me ..
  65. I would like to be present at the execution of a criminal justly sentenced to capital punishment.
  66. Pleasure is the main thing that one should strive for in life.
  67. If I could, I would be happy to participate in car racing.
  68. When I'm in a bad mood, I better not be approached.
  69. Sometimes I get in such a mood that I'm ready to start the fight first.
  70. I can recall the cases when I was so angry that I grabbed the first thing that came under the arm and broke it.
  71. I always demand that others respect my rights.
  72. I would like to jump out of curiosity with a parachute.
  73. The harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco on a person are greatly exaggerated.
  74. Happy are those who die young.
  75. I enjoy when I take a little risk.
  76. When a person resorts to curses in the heat of a dispute, this is permissible.
  77. I often can not restrain my feelings.
  78. Sometimes I was late for my lessons.
  79. I like companies where everyone teases each other.
  80. Sex should occupy one of the main places in the life of youth.
  81. Often I can not resist a dispute if someone does not agree with me.
  82. Sometimes it happened that I did not do school homework.
  83. I often do things under the influence of a moment's mood.
  84. There are times when I can hit a person.
  85. People are justly indignant when they learn that the offender went unpunished.
  86. It happens that I have to hide some of my actions from adults.
  87. Naive simpletons themselves deserve to be deceived.
  88. Sometimes I get so irritated that I scream loudly.
  89. Only unexpected circumstances and a sense of danger allow me to really show myself.
  90. I would try some intoxicating substance if I knew firmly that it would not damage my health and would not lead to punishment.
  91. When I'm standing on the bridge, sometimes I'm drawn to jump down.
  92. Any dirt scares me or causes me great disgust.
  93. When I get angry, I want to scold loudly the culprit of my troubles.
  94. I think that people should give up all drinking.
  95. I would love to ski downhill from a steep slope.
  96. Sometimes, if someone hurts me, it can even be nice.
  97. I would love to do in the pool by jumping from the tower.
  98. I sometimes do not want to live.

The scales are divided into service and content. The interviewee is required to confirm or reject the proposed statements. The test is then checked using the key list below:

  1. Scale for socially desirable responses: 2 (none), 4 (no), 8 (no), 13 (yes), 21 (no), 30 (yes), 32 (yes), 33 (no), 38 no), 54 (no), 79 (no), 83 (no), 87 (none).
  2. Scale of propensity to overcome norms and rules: 1 (yes), 10 (no), 11 (yes), 22 (yes), 34 (yes), 41 (yes), 44 (yes), 50 (yes), 53 yes, 55 (yes), 59 (yes), 61 (yes), 80 (yes), 86 (no), 91 (yes), 93 (no).
  3. Scale of propensity to addictive behavior: 14 (yes), 18 (yes), 22 (yes), 26 (yes), 27 (yes), 31 (yes), 34 (yes), 35 (yes), 43 (yes) , 59 (yes), 60 (yes), 62 (yes), 63 (yes), 64 (yes), 67 (yes), 74 (yes), 81 (yes), 91 (yes), 95 (no) .
  4. Scale of propensity to self-damaging and self-destructive behavior: 3 (yes), 6 (yes), 9 (yes), 12 (yes), 24 (no), 27 (yes), 28 (yes), 39 (yes), 51 yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes), 98 (yes), 99 (yes).
  5. Scale of inclination to aggression and violence: 3 (yes), 5 (yes), 15 (no), 16 (yes), 17 (yes), 25 (yes), 40 (no), 42 (yes), 45 (yes ), 48 (yes), 49 (yes), 51 (yes), 65 (yes), 66 (yes), 71 (yes), 77 (yes), 82 (yes), 85 (yes), 89 ), 94 (yes), 101 (yes), 102 (yes), 103 (yes), 104 (yes).
  6. Scale of strong-willed control of emotional reactions: 7 (yes), 19 (yes), 20 (yes), 29 (no), 36 (yes), 49 (yes), 56 (yes), 57 (yes), 69 (yes) , 70 (yes), 71 (yes), 78 (yes), 84 (yes), 89 (yes), 94 (yes).
  7. Scale of propensity for delinquent behavior: 1 (yes), 3 (yes), 7 (yes), 11 (yes), 25 (yes), 28 (yes), 31 (yes), 35 (yes), 43 (yes) , 48 (yes), 53 (yes), 58 (yes), 61 (yes), 63 (yes), 64 (yes), 66 (yes), 79 (yes), 93 (no), 98 (yes), 99 (yes), 102 (yes).
  8. The scale of adoption of the women's social role: 3 (no), 5 (no), 9 (no), 16 (no), 18 (no), 25 (no), 41 (no), 45 (no), 51 (no) , 58 (no), 61 (no), 68 (no), 73 (no), 85 (no), 93 (yes), 95 (yes), 96 (no), 105 (yes), 106 (no) , 107 (yes).

For each matched answer, one point is awarded. The more coincidence in any of the scales, the more likely the presence of a particular inclination.

So, deviant behavior is not always a threat to society, if it is not negative. But the antisocial manifestation of the behavior of the individual can be controlled by engaging in her upbringing, etc.