How to water an orchid?

Care for this plant is significantly different from caring for the flowers that we are accustomed to. Orchid is very capricious, and watering at home is a whole science. Consider the main points of the correct watering of the orchid.

What water to water orchids?

The quality of the water directly affects the hasty care of the flower. In this case, you not only give the plant a drink, but you feed it. Choose soft water to water the orchid, otherwise it will just die or begin to ache - in the natural habitat the orchid feeds on rainwater with very weak acidity. Determine the rigidity of water in your apartment can be a simple experiment: analyze how quickly the scum appears on the kettle. The faster this happens, the harder the water in the tap.

Lowers the rigidity of water boiling. You can use oxalic acid: dilute 1/8 teaspoon of acid in 5 liters of tap water. Let stand water for 24 hours, do not cover the canister or water container. After that, gently pour the water into another container, while watching so that the sediment does not fall. If the settling vessel is opaque, it is difficult to monitor the sediment: just leave it not for a day, but for 48 hours, then the sediment will become immobile.

To saturate the water with oxygen, pre-pour it with a thin trickle from one container to another. What water to water orchids in the temperature sense? This plant prefers warm water, as a last resort, at room temperature.

How to water a room orchid?

Many newcomers do not know how to water an orchid, and they do it in the usual way. As a result, the plant often dies. In this flower, the root system completely tolerates dryness, but it dies when waterlogged, so it should be dried periodically. Consider several ways how you can water the indoor orchids:

  1. With the help of a watering can. Gently and slowly with a thin trickle over the entire surface of the soil until excess water begins to flow out of the holes in the pot. When excess water drains, it should be drained from the pan. After a couple of minutes the procedure is repeated. It is better to water the plant in the morning, so that by evening it has dried out. Do not let the moisture on the plant itself, especially careful to be near the growth point and the sinuses of the leaves.
  2. Immersion. For this method, the pot with the flower is immersed in a bath with water until it is completely saturated with moisture. Next, the pot must be removed and wait until all water drains. This method is best used for the flower that grows in the basket. If the basket dimensions are about 12x12 cm, then it is enough to hold it in water for half a minute.
  3. Bathing. This plant is very fond of swimming. A couple of times a month you can arrange your flower "bath day". Bathing water should be warm. The pot is wrapped in a plastic bag. After bathing leave the flower give a little dry, and then the pot is unpacked. During the procedure, the temperature in the bathroom should not fall below 20 ° C. This procedure allows clean the flower from various microorganisms, dust and fungal spores.

How many times to water the orchid?

There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on the variety of your plant. Determine the frequency of watering, you can experimentally with the help of observations. Just follow how quickly the substrate dries completely, then you can determine the frequency of watering. Do not let the earth coma dry completely, in the center moisture should be preserved. In order to determine the dryness of the substrate, dip the finger 2-3 cm into it. Many experienced growers gradually learn to determine the dryness with the weight of the pot. If the air temperature is high and the humidity is low, watering is a little quick.