Vitamin D in foods

Vitamin D is an essential element for human health: because of its lack, bones suffer and muscle contractions are violated, skin diseases can develop and immunity may wane. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately run to the pharmacy for a jar of tablets - vitamin D is found in many products, and besides that, its free source is often available to us.

The best source of vitamin D

Before we go on to the question of which foods contain vitamin D, we will analyze its best source. The fact that the human body is able to independently synthesize this vitamin under the influence of sunlight. That is why the inhabitants of northern latitudes most often lack vitamin D and need products rich in it.

In order to reduce the daily intake of vitamin D in food by half, just a couple of hours a day to spend under the sun. In this case, the synthesis of the vitamin passes more intensively in individuals:

Of course, in the winter, the synthesis of vitamin D is difficult to organize, but you can replace it with artificial rays of the solarium. It is important at the same time to understand that it is not a daily visit that is meant: it is enough only a few times a month. To make up the remainder of the daily intake, you still need to take foods that contain vitamin D.

What foods contain vitamin D?

In the volume spectrum of foods, the vitamin D content is very high, which means that everyone can find an acceptable way to consume this wholesome vitamin with food. Particular attention to these products should be given in the cold season, when vitamin D in food becomes the only affordable option. So, contains vitamin D in products:

It is necessary to recognize that it is rather difficult for vegetarians not to go beyond their diet and not to have problems: in what kind of foods is vitamin D and is present in the maximum amount, so it is in animals. That is why, at least, it is necessary to add fish oil to the diet (fortunately, now it is released in a special form, which does not allow its taste to stand in the way of its use).

Who needs vitamin D in foods?

In what products there is vitamin D, we found out. And now we will analyze in more detail the symptoms and illnesses, in which case it is necessary to monitor the regular intake of this vitamin in food.

The first sign that vitamin D is not enough, are such diseases as rickets and osteomalacia. However, to understand that you have a deficiency of this substance, you can and not for such serious symptoms:

If you have one or more symptoms, be aware that there is a chance that your illness needs to be treated either in a tanning salon or by pharmacy supplements, or simply to increase the intake of vitamin D in foods. If every day to include in the diet any dishes with foods rich in this vitamin, the problem will quickly and easily settle down.