Diacarbum for newborns

When a newborn baby sleeps badly and does not sleep much, often and hysterically cries, many young parents are sure that this is the norm, because it is peculiar to infants. But this does not always correspond to reality. According to doctors, the constant worry of crumbs may indicate that he has increased intracranial pressure.

Most often this problem is diagnosed in those children whose mothers had the chance to endure a severe pregnancy, to fight with toxicosis or the birth itself was long and heavy. Such complications could lead to the fact that even during development in the womb, the child received less oxygen. And if the brain receives an insufficient amount of oxygen for a long time, the cells cease to function normally. For this reason, the fluid surrounding the brain (spinal cord) begins to be produced in large quantities and exerts pressure on the brain. That's where the headaches, tearfulness, bad sleep and moods come from.

Intracranial pressure: diagnosis

To accurately verify the correctness of the diagnosis, you need to provide the doctor information about the history of pregnancy and childbirth, determine the baby's muscle tone, make a tomography. If the data is confirmed, then it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Today, with ICP, doctors often prescribe diacarb for the newborn - a diuretic, which reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain.

Application of diacarb

Diacarb refers to those drugs that are not prescribed on their own. Only a neurologist can prescribe for children diacarb, based on the results of research. This diuretic, along with water, flushes the baby's body and potassium, which is necessary for the full work of the heart. That is why diacarb and asparks for newborns are discharged simultaneously. If a child is prescribed diacarb, the dosage and treatment regimen will be selected individually, as the weight has the weight of the baby, the amount of cerebrospinal fluid and overall health. The same applies to the dosage of asparkam. Usually, children under one year of age receive 1/4 tablets per day, and asparks should be taken three times a day. But once again we emphasize, before giving diacarb to children, a doctor's consultation is a must!

Side effects

Side effects of diacarb include hypokalemia, convulsions, diarrhea, myasthenia gravis, pruritus, nausea and vomiting. If the child takes this medicine for more than five days, metabolic acidosis may develop.

Similar drawbacks are not devoid of asparks. In addition, the side effect of taking this medication can be hyperemia of the facial skin, muscle weakness, thirst and a significant decrease in pressure.

There was no information about an overdose of diacarb. In the event that violations occur on the part of the central nervous system, the intake should be discontinued and the pH of the potassium and blood should be kept under control.

Among the contraindications of diacarb hypersensitivity to its components, a significant decrease in blood levels of potassium, adrenal insufficiency, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus.

To my mom for a note

If the doctor believes that the indications for taking diacarb are, you should not refuse treatment. Within a few months of taking the drug, your baby will completely get rid of headaches and poor health. By the age of 12, you will already forget that the child was suffering. Ignoring the problem may become a cause of developmental lag, migraines in the future. In addition, ICP affects the character, making the child moody, unruly and unbalanced.