With what vegetables to start feeding?

Introduction of complementary foods is a very important moment in the life of mother and child. The most gentle for the baby's stomach will be vegetable purees. They do not overload the body, they are easily digested and most saturated with vitamins.

The child should be fed not earlier than 5 months. It is very good if you have preserved breastfeeding up to this point. To baby is easier to tolerate new products - mix the breast milk in puree. Do not add spices and salt, and carefully grind everything through a fine strainer.

With what vegetables to start feeding?

This list also indicates the order of introduction of vegetables in lure:

How to cook vegetables for complementary foods?

It is better to take seasonal products, those that grow during the period of introduction of complementary foods. They should be cooked for a couple or bake in the oven, if this is not possible, then you can boil. You need to boil either whole or in large pieces, so you save more vitamins and minerals, throw the product into boiling water and cook until ready - do not digest too long.

How to introduce lure vegetables?

You need to start lure gradually. Having chosen the vegetable you want to start with, do not add anything else to it, only a month after the beginning of complementary feeding you can add half a teaspoon of overfried sunflower or olive oil. You can mash in your milk or mixture if the baby is on artificial feeding. Begin to inject puree from one teaspoon per day, increasing each day by one tsp. Only after 1.5-2 weeks you can add a new product.

Vegetables for the first complementary foods must be fresh, ripe and unprocessed chemical preparations. It's better if they are taken from your garden or from people you trust.