Spurs on the heels - reasons and treatment

Approximately every tenth inhabitant of the planet periodically experiences intense pain in the foot due to plantar fasciitis. This pathology is better known as spurs on the heels - the causes and treatment of this disease are studied by surgeons and podogoles. Regardless of the factors that caused plantar fasciitis, a complex therapy is developed, aimed at stopping inflammatory processes in the foot and reducing the pain syndrome.

The causes of the appearance of spurs on the heels

Bony outgrowths on the calcaneus, called spurs, do not actually cause unpleasant symptoms. They are found even in healthy people, and in plural quantity. The reason for the formation of painful spurs on the heels lies in the microfractures of the plantar fascia - an organic structure consisting of connective tissue. It is attached to the phalanx of the fingers on one side and to the heel bone on the other. If damaged, the fascia becomes inflamed, which provokes severe pain. Then its microfractures overgrow, and the structure itself is shortened. Therefore, subsequent violations of the integrity of the fascia are unavoidable.

Factors contributing to the development of the described process:

Treatment of the causes and symptoms of the appearance of spurs on the heels

After the diagnosis of "plantar fasciitis", first of all, it is necessary to reduce the load on the affected foot. The following activities are recommended for this:

Then the standard conservative treatment is carried out:

1. Application of local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with anesthetic action:

2. Injections with glucocorticosteroid hormones:

3. Novocaine blockades:

4. Physiotherapy:

5. Gymnastics:

The most effective modern methods of treating plantar fasciitis are laser and shock wave therapy. They help for 2-4 sessions to eliminate inflammation, pain syndrome and normalize blood circulation in soft tissues.

Treatment of the causes and consequences of spurs on the heels of folk remedies

Unconventional methods of fighting the disease are ineffective, they only reduce the manifestations of plantar fasciitis and can be used only as an additional therapy. It is best to use folk baths (10-minute). Before going to bed, they relax the feet well and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome.

Bath recipes:

  1. Sea salt (2 tablespoons) with warm water (1 liter).
  2. Chamomile broth (1.5 liters) with table salt (1 tablespoon).
  3. Soda (3 teaspoons), iodine (10 drops) with warm water (3 liters).