Lobelia perennial

Lobelia perennial - this is the most beautiful flower that blooms all summer and autumn. Use it mainly for decorating and fringing flower beds and garden paths. Lobelia multiplies seeds like most flowers. They are sown in the greenhouse at the very beginning of spring, when the sun shines long enough and warms the earth, because this plant grows quite slowly.

Planting and caring for seeds

Landing lobelia and caring for it - it's quite a painstaking business. Seeds are very small, so you need to try to distribute them evenly over the entire area of ​​the pot or box, which is filled with a light soil mixture with the addition of vermiculite. The rammed ground for planting is poured with water, the seeds are planted there, and the box is covered with film or glass and left in the greenhouse. If the temperature of the air in the greenhouse is low, then it is better to place a box of seeds in a warmer place, and in 1-2 weeks the first shoots will appear.

To ensure that condensation does not form under the film, sprouts must be ventilated. Growing out of the seeds of a long-term lobelia requires patience. After the leaflets appeared, we move the seedlings to coolness. In the evening shoots need additional lighting, otherwise they will stretch out without gaining enough strength. Sprinkle the shoots very carefully, so as not to wet the soil, but the lack of moisture is harmful - with it, the leaves just fold.

Those who find it difficult to find the time to plant lobelia perennial and care for it, it is better to purchase seedlings. The further cultivation of lobelia consists in the spilling out of the shoots and planting them on flowerbeds or curbs of lawns, and it is better to take several sprouts at once - so there will be more lush bushes. The flower is very fond of the sun, this must be taken into account when planting, and most importantly, the soil must always be moist, otherwise the flowering of the lobelia will not be as rich and plentiful as one would like, and is unlikely to continue until late autumn.

Varieties of lobelia of perennial

There are many varieties of perennial lobelia, but usually amateur gardeners choose lobelia purple with bright red flowers, collected in the form of ears. This beautiful plant with a stem height of about a meter will be visible from afar, it will accent any flower bed or flower garden. A long-haired crooked lobelia with flowers of a blue-violet hue looks just a stranger from another planet, so unusual it is. A lobelia ampel is very good for decorating the walls of a house or window sills. It can be planted in hanging baskets or balcony boxes, and hanging stems with colors of white, blue or pink shades will delight the look all summer. In order for the plant to bloom for as long as possible, it must be permanently cut, and too long shoots should be gently pricked - and the flowering will be abundant. Also, when dressing a plant, pay attention to its appearance. If the stems are long and beautiful, and the flowers are small, then feed the plant less often.

How to save lobelia?

Lobelia - unpretentious plant, but, nevertheless, to bother with seedlings every year troublesome, so it's easier to learn how to keep lobelia until the spring. If the flower grew in a pot, it should be cut and poured, put in a dark place, and with the onset of frosts put in a cellar or in an attic, where it is cool (the flower there will not freeze). Lobelia, growing in the garden, in the autumn dig up and transplanted into a pot, then also take it to a cool place. The question of how to keep lobelike in winter is much easier to solve, since it does not require as much strength and time as the next growing of seedlings from seeds. In spring, the flower will have to be transplanted into the garden. And it will blossom much more quickly than the new seedlings planted in the spring.