Dimexide in cosmetology

Such a known remedy as Dimexide has found application in the cosmetology industry. It's hard to believe, of course, but the drug is really used to treat delicate skin of the face. And the results he shows are very impressive.

Dimexide properties in cosmetology

Medicine recognizes dimethylsulfoxide for its powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. For the same love Dimexid and in cosmetology. In addition, the medication can penetrate deep layers of the skin and carry with it other nutritional components.

Application of the medicine for the face provides:

How correctly to apply Dimexide in cosmetology?

In order not to get burns, the drug should not be used concentrated - it needs to be diluted in distilled water. Proportions should be selected by a specialist. For a particularly sensitive skin, for example, dimethylsulfoxide is diluted 1:10, and there are those to whom a solution of 1: 4 is suitable.

Before applying Dimexide in cosmetology for the face, the skin needs to be cleaned. For medicinal purposes, the medication is used no more than three times a week. For prevention, it is enough once a week or ten days.

Dimexide application in cosmetology against wrinkles and acne

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the use of the drug. To cure acne with it, you just need to cauterize them with a cotton swab. After a couple of procedures, it will be possible to notice positive changes.

With the disposal of wrinkles, the situation is almost the same. In the prepared solution, a cotton disc is wetted, which is subsequently wiped off all the problem areas.