Fir oil - useful properties

Fir oil refers to essential oils and has long been known to mankind. Since the fir, from which this product is produced, grows only in ideal environmental conditions, including clean air and water, then the resulting oil is also environmentally friendly. Fir oil has a lot of useful properties that allows using it as a cosmetic, therapeutic and disinfectant.

Useful properties of fir oil

Fir oil has a lot of useful properties that allows using it as a cosmetic, therapeutic and disinfectant.

It should be said that, first of all, it is the strongest antiseptic, which is capable of combating infections of any type, including viruses, pathogenic microorganisms and fungus. It is effective in fighting many skin diseases. In addition, fir oil is a potent analgesic since it actively affects the nerve endings in the human body and reduces sensitivity to pain.

It also improves the circulation of blood and lymph in the joint tissues. The vapors of this oil that enter the lungs contribute to the normalization of pressure, if it is disturbed. If the pressure is OK, the oil simply does not affect it.

This is an excellent remedy for stress and chronic fatigue, it has a soothing and relaxing effect. When ingested, fir oil cleanses the kidneys and joints from the salt deposits, dissolving them and removing them from the body.

Fir oil treatment

In many recipes of traditional medicine, one of the main components is fir oil . However, it can also be used as an independent tool in the fight against a number of diseases. Let us consider each case in more detail.

Fir oil for rhinitis

In acute and chronic rhinitis, fir oil narrows the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease, whether it be copious discharge or vice versa nasal congestion. It can be applied externally, lubricating the bridge of the nose, and internally, by digesting it into the nostrils. You can also use inhalation with fir oil, which helps with inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Fir oil in fractures

Fir oil is used for fractures. It is consumed a few drops inward and rubbed into the fracture site. The healing and fusion of the bone is faster - this is another well-known wisdom. In addition to all of the above, fir oil generally improves the metabolism in the body and promotes the production of the necessary hormones. It normalizes sexual activity in men and fights with infertility in both sexes.

Application of fir oil for hair

In cosmetology this product is in great demand. It is known that many oils are used for hair, including fir oil. It helps to heal the scalp and get rid of dandruff, removes the problem of fatty hair.

Fir oil for skin

When applying fir oil for the face, skin cleansing from excess fat, acne, acne, redness is observed. Skin cells recover faster and it rejuvenates. It is also possible to use this healing agent to combat herpes at various stages of the disease. And if you regularly take a bath with fir oil, the skin on the body will become more elastic and smooth than usual.

Fir oil in pregnancy

As for the use of fir oil during pregnancy, in most cases it is not recommended by doctors, because this product can have a negative effect on the fetus for which it is toxic. And it comes, as an internal, and about external application.

Contraindications for use

Do not use this tool for acute kidney inflammation. In other cases, the use of fir oil is safe if you follow certain instructions:

  1. Do not apply it in a pure form to the skin, except for small areas in the form of acne, acne or herpes .
  2. The oil must be diluted in certain proportions, which depend on the procedure being performed, the degree of the disease and the desired effect.