Nausea - reasons for women

The beautiful half of humanity often suffers from such symptoms as a feeling of faintness, dizziness, fainting and a feeling that vomiting is about to begin. Nausea is manifested in the same way - the reasons for this unpleasant symptom in women are very diverse and lie not only in digestive disorders. There are many endocrine, neurological and cardiovascular pathologies accompanied by this clinic. In addition, problems sometimes arise from the instability of the vestibular apparatus (motion sickness).

Causes of nausea in women after eating

If these symptoms occur at the end of a meal or some time after a meal, they are likely to be provoked by the following factors:

Causes of frequent nausea and bloating in women

When nausea is felt almost constantly, it can be explained by the following pathologies:

In cases of addition of other unpleasant symptoms, bloating, stools, heartburn and belching, the causes of nausea lie in such problems:

Causes of nausea in women in the evenings and nights

The appearance of this pathology only at a later time of the day is due to such ailments: