Tradescantia - home care

Each grower wants to grow unpretentious, ornamental plants, in order to make a beautiful decoration of the home, with a minimum of effort. The flower of Tradescantia refers precisely to such. That's why it is found in almost every home.

In this article, you will learn how to care for the home Tradescantia, in spite of the fact that it is considered to be impractical, there are secrets in this process.

Care and planting of Tradescantia at home

  1. Location. For the cultivation of this flower, any window is suitable, since it tolerates both direct sunlight and partial shade. But best of all, Tradescantia will feel under bright diffused light. Varieties with a bright color of the leaves require more sun than with the green.
  2. Temperature regime. In the warm season it feels good at + 18-25 °, and in the cold - at + 8-12 °.
  3. Watering. It is very important in spring and summer to water Tradescantium abundantly and regularly so that the top layer of the earth never dries up. But it is contraindicated to allow stagnation of water in the pan. To do this, the water that has glass in it should be poured out immediately. In autumn and winter, watering should be moderate and much less frequent. In a mandatory daily spraying does not need. It can only be held on very hot days. Water should be followed by soft standing water.
  4. Top dressing. In the period of active growth under the plant should be introduced every 2 weeks of complex fertilizers . In addition to variegated varieties, Tradescantia can also be fertilized with organic fertilizing.
  5. Transfer. It is carried out only in the spring, because in this case the plants quickly move away from stress and begin to grow normally. Young flowers should be transplanted annually, and at the age of 3-4 years - 1 time in 2-3 years (if necessary). The soil for planting should be taken neutral. A good substrate is obtained from 2 parts of deciduous land with 1 part sod and humus soils. You can also buy ready-mixed soil for Tradescantia in the store. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to lay a good layer of expanded clay or stones as drainage.
  6. Pruning. It will have to be carried out in the event that your bush has become very large or its branches become bare. Timely pinching (the most suitable period for this is considered spring) contributes to the formation of a dense crown of the shape that you need.

Propagation of Tradescantia

There are several ways of breeding this flower:

  1. Seeds. Seed material is sown in the spring in the mineral water, filled in equal proportions with peat, peat pills and sand. For the appearance of sprouts, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about +20 °, spray them regularly and ventilate them.
  2. Cuttings. This way you can use throughout the year. Sliced ​​15 cm cuttings are planted 5 pieces per pot. They usually take root within a week.
  3. Division of the bush. It is carried out during plant transplantation in the spring. Sharing is necessary very carefully, so that root damage is minimal.

Possible problems in the cultivation of Tradescantia

Problems with Tradescantia arise as a result of a violation of agricultural technology in its cultivation, for example:

The flower of Tradescantia is popular not only for simple care and beautiful foliage. This plant is also known as a natural fine cleaner and air humidifier. It neutralizes electromagnetic radiation in the room in which it is located.