Acne on face during pregnancy

In the period of expectation of the baby, serious changes occur in the woman's body. In particular, expectant mothers noticeably round their tummy, increases their breasts, and also changes the condition of hair, skin and nails. Often, girls during pregnancy notice the appearance of pimples on the face, which cloud the joy of realizing the impending motherhood.

Although there is a popular belief in the people that such a problem indicates a woman's bearing a female baby, in reality, this has no basis. In this article we will tell you why in pregnancy often there are pimples on the face, and what ways will help get rid of them.

Causes of acne on the face of pregnant women

Acne and other eruptions on the face of expectant mothers appear due to changes in the hormonal background. Typically, a similar problem occurs even in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the woman's blood increases the level of progesterone. This hormone is responsible for the preservation of the fetus in the maternal womb and, in addition, significantly affects the production of sebum.

This is why women with the maximum concentration of progesterone in the blood strongly clogged the pores of the skin, resulting in multiple acne eruptions. In addition, the likelihood of acne during pregnancy increases due to dehydration of the future mother.

Than to treat acne on the face during pregnancy?

To get rid of acne on the face during pregnancy will help such advice as:

  1. Thoroughly clean and moisturize the skin several times a day, regardless of its type. Thus it is necessary to give preference to cosmetic products, which do not contain fragrances, dyes, alcohol, salicylic acid and other aggressive chemicals in their composition.
  2. Do not use a scrub to cleanse the face, since this remedy can only exacerbate the situation. Clay masks, on the contrary, will benefit.
  3. The vast majority of ointments and creams from acne during the waiting period of the baby are contraindicated. The only remedy that can be used without prescribing a doctor is Skinoren gel . Using this drug, try to apply it a thin layer directly to the pimples.
  4. Never squeeze pimples and try not to touch them with dirty hands.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of pure unboiled water per day.
  6. Take a complex of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, designed specifically for pregnant women.

Unfortunately, some women still can not get rid of acne on the face before the end of pregnancy. This unpleasant problem usually disappears on its own after the normalization of the hormonal background.