Aneurysm of the heart

Aneurysm of the heart is called thinning and protrusion of the wall of the myocardium. This phenomenon is characterized by a sharp decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle. And in some cases, it completely disappears completely.

Aneurysm of the aorta of the heart - what is it?

According to statistics, most often aneurysms are formed on the walls in the left ventricle. The main reason for its formation is considered to be tissue damage as a result of myocardial infarction. Aneurysms in the interventricular septum or right ventricles of the heart can also appear. But doctors face this phenomenon very rarely.

There are three main types of protrusion:

  1. Acute aneurysm usually forms almost immediately after a heart attack. If the bulging is small, then the growing connective tissue may prevent it from developing. Large aneurysms are dangerous for their hypersensitivity. They only begin to grow collagen fibers, so they are not too strong and can easily rupture under the influence of high pressure.
  2. The cause of subacute aneurysm of the heart often becomes a lasting scar, formed at the site of the infarction. Such protrusions are less dangerous, but they can form clots.
  3. Chronic aneurysms appear no earlier than a couple of months after the attack. Their walls are rather dense. They grow much more slowly and are torn more heavily. But the blood clots in them are formed more actively.

The factors that determine the appearance of an aneurysm of the heart after infarction are:

Symptoms of aneurysms of the heart

The way aneurysm manifests itself depends on various factors - its size, location, the cause of its appearance. A large number of patients do not even know about the violations, because the problem does not betray itself.

Among the most common symptoms:

Diagnosis and treatment of heart aneurysm

It is possible to detect an aneurysm on an X-ray, during an ECG or magnetic resonance imaging. If necessary, some patients are probed heart cavities, EFI, coronarography.

Conservative treatment can be effective only in the initial stages. During the reception of antiarrhythmic and blood pressure lowering drugs, the patient must strictly adhere to strict bed rest.

And yet most doctors with an aneurysm of the heart, the aorta recommend surgery. Otherwise, there is a possibility of rapid development of heart failure and rupture of protrusion.

Surgical intervention is necessary in the event that clots form inside the swelling, as well as with clearly expressed arrhythmia, tachycardia, other rhythm disturbances. Help the surgeon will need and with a false aneurysm - the so-called incomplete rupture, which at any time can develop into dangerous bleeding.

Forecast of aneurysm of the left ventricle of the heart

If you do not perform the operation, the prognosis of the disease is quite unfavorable. As medical practice shows, most patients die in the next two to three years after the onset of the disease. The most dangerous are the mushroom and saccular formations - they are almost always complicated by thrombosis. When the aneurysm ruptures, the lethal outcome comes immediately and it is very difficult to save a person.