Divination by health

Health is the most important thing in the life of every person. Quite often there are cases when medicine can not find the cause of the disease, then people resort to unconventional methods. Divination by health is very popular among them. You can conduct the ritual with various items, for example, candles, water or cards.

Divination by tarot cards on health

From the deck, take 9 cards and arrange them as follows: in the center, put 2 cards, then on the row above put the next 4, and on the row below 3. For divination, you should know the decoding of all the cards that can be viewed here .

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

Map number 1 - Subjective well-being.

Map №2 - Objective state of health.

If both of these cards are good, then further guessing on health cards is pointless, since everything is fine with you. If not, then continue to open the cards. If the card is good, then this point does not concern you, and you need to open the next one. About the causes of your diseases will say the following cards:

Map number 3 - Karma.

Card number 4 - Bad heredity.

Card number 5 - Wrong way of life.

Card number 6 - The evil eye or an unpleasant accident.

What to do to deal with the disease will say the following cards:

Card number 7 - You need urgent surgery.

Card number 8 - Nothing needs to be treated, it will pass by itself.

Card number 9 - Contact your doctor for treatment.

Other options for guessing the health of a loved one

Divination by milk is considered one of the old rituals. Such guessing on human health allows you to know the outcome of various diseases. It is necessary to take a glass of fresh milk and give it to the patient, so that he drank, exactly half. After that, the glass should be placed near the patient for 12 hours. Next, try milk. If it remains tasty and fresh, then the disease will soon recede and everything will be fine. If the milk has an unpleasant taste, then the person will still be sick for a very long time.