Fortune telling on gypsy maps

Since ancient times, people believed that gypsies have a strong magic , so their divination was and is so popular. To date, there are many ways and techniques that every person can use, who want to look into the future. Gypsy cards can be called as an ordinary deck, which many use for the game, and Tarot.

Ancient gypsy fortune-telling on 10 cards for destiny

To conduct fortune telling, you need to buy a new deck of cards and charge it with your energy. To do this, take it in your hand and hold it for three minutes. Add visualization, that is, imagine how the energy from the hands goes to the cards. Such gypsy fortune-telling on cards can be spent on love, for this, mixing the deck, think about your chosen one. You can do this for yourself to learn about the future and many other useful information.

Stir the cards and get one at a time, laying them in three rows of three, and then, get another card and put it at the end of the middle row. During this it is necessary to say the following words:

"The truth will help me to recognize the power given to me by my mother, the will given to me from my father, the knowledge from my ancestors who have been granted."

It's time to go over to the interpretation of fortune telling on gypsy maps:

  1. The upper row will let you know about the past of the person on whom the alignment is done. Interpretation of information will provide an opportunity to learn about the causes of the existing problems, as well as point to the perpetrators of the incident.
  2. The second row will provide information on the present and near future. Thanks to this, it is possible to more accurately understand the situation for yourself and look at it from the outside.
  3. The bottom row will tell you about the future, but do not take such information as a verdict, because everything depends on the actions and decisions of the person, which means that fate can be changed. If you are guessing on the gypsy maps for a relationship, then this series will help to know about the future, which is currently configured by the guessing.

It is also necessary to look in detail at the cards in the upper row. The map, located in the center, symbolizes the person on whom the divination is conducted. The information obtained will make it possible to find out about possible problems that are burdensome to a person, or about joys that cause only positive emotions. The map on the left gives information or about relatives that affect a person's life, or about their attitude towards his goals and decisions. The right card symbolizes people from a close environment.

It is worth noting that the interpretation of maps for divination is the same, but in order to obtain more truthful information, it is necessary to interpret them depending on one's own life. Find out the decoding here.

Fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards - the Golden Horseshoe layout

Thanks to this fortune-telling you can learn about love relationships and the near future. The name "Golden Horseshoe" has a direct connection with the appearance of the solitaire. To begin with, think about a person or ask a specific question. To make a gypsy alignment and to conduct fortune-telling on cards , it is necessary to thoroughly mix the deck and take from it five cards, which should be arranged in the form of a horseshoe, as shown in the figure.

After this you can proceed to the interpretation:

  1. Card number 1 - gives detailed information that relates to the present.
  2. Map number 2 - will let you know about the events that will occur in the next week.
  3. Card number 3 - will help answer the question asked at the beginning of the divination, giving a detailed description.
  4. Map No. 4 - describes the events that may occur within the next year.
  5. Card number 5 - will tell about the distant future.