Karmic communication

Often, getting acquainted with new people, there is a feeling that we have known each other for a long time, understand each other with a half-word, well, just "soul mates." This feeling arises because in the past lives our souls were already familiar. Mutual relations with such people are called karmic connections.

Karmic connections and why they arise

Karmic communication implies a relationship with people familiar to us in past incarnations. As a result of previous actions, we do not accidentally meet our parents, children or acquaintances from a past life. Such meetings are called karmic.

As a rule, karmic encounters and connections are the result of the fact that in the past life there was an unfinished conflict or enmity between you, accompanied by serious grievances and emotions. Or vice versa, your feelings for each other were beautiful, but in a past life something was left unfinished (they could not save their love from something bad, or lost it).

Karma or an accident?

In order to understand whether the relationship is karmic or it is just an accidental encounter, it is best to turn to a good astrologer and make up a synastry.

Or, if you are observant and want to understand everything yourself, analyze your relationship based on the main signs of karmic communication, namely:

The rupture of karmic communication

Karmic communication does not arise on an even place, so breaking it is not so easy, if at all possible. These are the consequences of previously committed acts, punishment or duty that must be fulfilled. Karmic debt, like any other, must be given, otherwise there is a possibility that this karma will pursue more than one life.

If you have a karmic connection with a person in your life, first of all you need to understand your relationship with him. Understand what is not comfortable, which is annoying, i.e. find the cause of the conflict or collision. After this, you should actively work on these causes, eradicate the negative. Only after the karmic balance has been balanced, your debt will be paid and the karmic bond should burst.